Taco help part 2

I have watch some youtube videos and most of them put it on manual is this best or can you just put card in and go

You will need to put it onto other work for 10mins or so…To do your vehicle checks.Having said that.You can just put it in and when it’s asked you for a manual entry.To wich you can say yes/no…Then you can drive straight of if you wish.

I always do manual entries.

If you did any work after taking the card out at the end of the last shift, or before putting the card in for the current shift you’re supposed to manually record it, some people do some people don’t, it’s your choice but personally I have always done manual entries when they were needed, I can’t really see any good reason not to.

Whatever you do you should show some other work on the card at the start of the shift, if you get stopped by DVSA and they find something wrong with your vehicle you’ve got no excuses if you’re not showing some time for vehicle checks at the start of the shift.

Apart from that you should be checking that the vehicle is roadworthy before starting out anyway, so you might as well show the time on your driver card.

Rules on Drivers Hours and Tachographs

What I do is put card in say no to manual entry and then put it on doing other work do my checks is this right
Thank you for your help

What I do is put card in say no to manual entry and then put it on doing other work do my checks is this right
Thank you for your help

Yep nothing wrong with that, you need to show the work you do, as you are expected to do walk around checks you should show this, the DVSA has no set times for it so don’t believe the RDC hero’s who tell you “you must do 10 minutes or 15 minutes” you only have a set time if it’s company policy.
You do a manual entry of for times you are working and don’t have a tacho card in the tacho head. To be honest I doubt most people who are full time drivers really need to worry about it. People like me have do as I don’t drive full time, but also have a other duties where I’m not near my truck.

I always do manual entries.



I always do manual entries.


I do same, simply because I’ve started say 6:30, chased paperwork etc in office, by time I get to truck could easily be 15min later so manual entry done, same following morning just to cover time spent do office hand in stuff after leaving truck. This can again be 10 min or so.

No I don’t have to, as no one would know any different , but it’s a habit I’ve got into and intend keeping into.