Basically, I started without a clue as to what I was doing. Didn’t know/wasn’t told I have to download my card at start/end of each day (am agency), so haven’t been doing that. To top it off, was running on a paper tacho the other day, didn’t take a photo of it when I handed it back, and lost the piece of paper where I scribbled down some half-completed times of when I was driving.
I’m in the middle of my weekly rest right now, if I get work on Friday, will I be able to print out my driving on the card from the previous week (last Friday included)? And, how would I do that? I assume I’ll need to somehow declare on my card what I’ve done on the paper tacho - vaguely remember something about manual entry? How would I do that as well - and would a best guess be acceptable? I didn’t go over 10 hours (I think, had a prang so may have gone over a little - see other thread), so should I just put 10 hours on for that as a best guess?
Yes, I’m a disorganized git, only realised I have to do all of this yesterday so hoping I can just hit a magic button which tells me everything I’ve done the last week and catch up with it all.
Just remembered that I was using my phone to navigate, so Google was logging my every move anyway. Turns out because I was on multidrop, I was WAY too conservative with my breaks. I was just going by 4.5h real time because I didn’t have a button to press to tell me how many hours I’d been driving. Did 1 hour 48 before my rest (But where I was heading after that drop, there would have been nowhere to park for my 6 hour anyway, so I HAD to take at least 15 minutes, and I wasn’t pushed for time so didn’t hurt me taking 45), then 2 hours 15 - then another break (this is when I parked at an estate and put myself onto rest while I waited for a mechanic), then a drive back to depot of a bit over an hour. So really, I don’t need to worry at all about my hours, I just have to worry about being in the wrong mode all bloody day long.
I assume because that’s how I was told to use the tacho and I was being generous with breaks anyway, that I won’t be seen to be trying to intentionally break rules and should be ok?