
I have a problem with tachomaster app.
I started my work today at 6.15am.
At 11am I took 18 minutes break.
When I got back to depo I took another break. I was meant to take 15 but I took 33 minutes. So all together until 13.55 when I ejected my card I had 51 min break.
In tachomaster app when I press “shifts” tab I can see that. 51 minutes break taken today. But when I press “infringement” it says insufficient break. As it only see my first 18 minutes break…
Can anyone explain me why?
Is this because I haven’t finished my shift on my card yet? I need to do manual entry tomorrow to enter other work for another 35 minutes after my second break. And than to enter my daily rest.

I can’t understand why this app see my 51 minutes of break in one place but can’t see it in other one…

Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk

Did you eject your card while it was still recording the second break? If you did, the second break won’t count unless you do a manual entry to show at least one minute of work before end of shift.

You need to take a minimum total break of 30 minutes before 12:15

You need to take a minimum total break of 30 minutes before 12:15

Incorrect for WTD
30 mins total break for the whole shift as the working time was between 6 and 9 hours
At no point in the shift must more than 6 hours of working time be done without at least a 15 min break

Authorities do not and have not been bothered with WTD

DVSA check driving time breaks are ok

When I got back to depo I took another break. I was meant to take 15 but I took 33 minutes. So all together until 13.55 when I ejected my card I had 51 min break.

You had a 33 minute break at the end of the shift, for the working time regulations breaks have to interrupt the working time therefore cannot be at the immediate start or finish of the shift.

The 33 minute break at the immediate end of the shift was not a valid break for the WTD, hence you get an infringement for insufficient break during the shift.

If you’d done a minute on other work after the 33 minute break you wouldn’t have got an infringement :wink:

Ok. So when I do a manual entry today to record my other work in the office for next 35 minutes this infringement will disappear from tachomaster?

Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk

Ok. So when I do a manual entry today to record my other work in the office for next 35 minutes this infringement will disappear from tachomaster?
