Tachograph issue?

If tacho head is the same then surely its VOR. Park it up and get another.

For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

If the printout image you posted was for the entire shift the vehicle needs to be taken off the road until the tachograph is fixed or replaced, you cannot just continue driving knowing that the tachograph is faulty.
There are circumstances that allow you to get home with a faulty tachograph but you say this has happened twice, if it’s faulty it should have been fixed the first time.

From the DVSA sanctions policy.

FP £100

“TE 160DH” is an immediate prohibition.

edit: Just to add that if you get caught driving with a faulty tachograph and they discover it’s happened too often I’d say there’s a likelihood that you’ll get pulled in front of the TC and that won’t end well for you or your company.


For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

That is a small portion of a tacho print-out.
No-one wants you to show your name, nor the vehicle reg, but the rest could be helpful.

You don’t understand, that is all that was on the printout.


For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

If the printout image you posted was for the entire shift the vehicle needs to be taken off the road until the tachograph is fixed or replaced, you cannot just continue driving knowing that the tachograph is faulty.
There are circumstances that allow you to get home with a faulty tachograph but you say this has happened twice, if it’s faulty it should have been fixed the first time.

From the DVSA sanctions policy.

FP £100

“TE 160DH” is an immediate prohibition.

edit: Just to add that if you get caught driving with a faulty tachograph and they discover it’s happened too often I’d say there’s a likelihood that you’ll get pulled in front of the TC and that won’t end well for you or your company.

Yes that was what came out for the entire shift.

Just to clarify, the drive time didn’t change all day even AFTER having my breaks but the break time kept going UP as I was driving so it was if the tacho was counting my driving time as break time.



For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

If the printout image you posted was for the entire shift the vehicle needs to be taken off the road until the tachograph is fixed or replaced, you cannot just continue driving knowing that the tachograph is faulty.
There are circumstances that allow you to get home with a faulty tachograph but you say this has happened twice, if it’s faulty it should have been fixed the first time.

From the DVSA sanctions policy.

FP £100

“TE 160DH” is an immediate prohibition.

edit: Just to add that if you get caught driving with a faulty tachograph and they discover it’s happened too often I’d say there’s a likelihood that you’ll get pulled in front of the TC and that won’t end well for you or your company.

Yes that was what came out for the entire shift.

Just to clarify, the drive time didn’t change all day even AFTER having my breaks but the break time kept going UP as I was driving so it was if the tacho was counting my driving time as break time.

Then that’s clear a fault with the tacho.

Are you I the same truck all the time? Or have you driven that one again? Has it worked perfectly other than that 1 shift?



I’m guessing you didn’t put it on break before you ejected the card at the end of the first shift and then didn’t do a manual entry at the start of the second shift . The tacho is now treating this as all one shift . You need a 24 hour printout for the 2 days to see what was recorded between the 2 shifts but I guessing its other work .

Not that old chestnut, putting it on break before ejecting your card makes no difference to what is recorded on the card apart from that minute or 2. Once a card is withdrawn it records nothing until it is inserted again, either unknown time or manual entries inputted.

Not to mention very few drivers eject their card and don’t do even a few minutes of other work, be that handing keys in and clocking out etc. So technically putting it on break when you eject the card is not recording your working time correctly and falsification of records if the DVSA wants to be very picky.

If you eject your card any time the card is ejected is assumed to be daily or weekly rest.

Sent from my CPH2173 using Tapatalk

Our place wants Digi card entries to match our start and finish times.

IE manual entries for start and finish. And best practice is to select rest mode before ejecting.

Incase you make a mistake or distracted no long periods of others work.

And regards rest mode on ejecting, when you do a manual entry, that rest mode won’t show. Unless you forget to do a manual entry, in which case it will show rest until your next put your card in, and you can then do an entry on your print out.

I don’t see how putting it on rest before you eject can be considered a best practice, it literally does nothing, it just wastes the couple of seconds it takes to do, so not exactly a downside, but it’s pointless




I’m guessing you didn’t put it on break before you ejected the card at the end of the first shift and then didn’t do a manual entry at the start of the second shift . The tacho is now treating this as all one shift . You need a 24 hour printout for the 2 days to see what was recorded between the 2 shifts but I guessing its other work .

Not that old chestnut, putting it on break before ejecting your card makes no difference to what is recorded on the card apart from that minute or 2. Once a card is withdrawn it records nothing until it is inserted again, either unknown time or manual entries inputted.

Not to mention very few drivers eject their card and don’t do even a few minutes of other work, be that handing keys in and clocking out etc. So technically putting it on break when you eject the card is not recording your working time correctly and falsification of records if the DVSA wants to be very picky.

If you eject your card any time the card is ejected is assumed to be daily or weekly rest.

Sent from my CPH2173 using Tapatalk

Our place wants Digi card entries to match our start and finish times.

IE manual entries for start and finish. And best practice is to select rest mode before ejecting.

Incase you make a mistake or distracted no long periods of others work.

And regards rest mode on ejecting, when you do a manual entry, that rest mode won’t show. Unless you forget to do a manual entry, in which case it will show rest until your next put your card in, and you can then do an entry on your print out.

I don’t see how putting it on rest before you eject can be considered a best practice, it literally does nothing, it just wastes the couple of seconds it takes to do, so not exactly a downside, but it’s pointless

If you leave it on other work before ejecting, then next time put your card in and get distracted/forget to do manual entry it record previous time since ejecting as last mode selected.
Just press rest then eject. Next time you put card in and manual entry, that 1 second of rest doesn’t show.

If you leave it on other work before ejecting, then next time put your card in and get distracted/forget to do manual entry it record previous time since ejecting as last mode selected.
Just press rest then eject. Next time you put card in and manual entry, that 1 second of rest doesn’t show.

If you don’t do a manual entry, the entire time the card was out will be question mark (?).

In my book, leaving it on break means that there is potential for the next driver to put his / her card in and do his / her checks on break. I always check and put it on other work before inserting.


If you leave it on other work before ejecting, then next time put your card in and get distracted/forget to do manual entry it record previous time since ejecting as last mode selected.

Your tacho must be the only one in the country that works like that. All of ours would record “?” if we did that.

That’s impossible, with no manual entry the time the card is out will be recorded as ? Which means unallocated time, it’s completely irrelevant what mode you eject or insert on.



For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

If the printout image you posted was for the entire shift the vehicle needs to be taken off the road until the tachograph is fixed or replaced, you cannot just continue driving knowing that the tachograph is faulty.
There are circumstances that allow you to get home with a faulty tachograph but you say this has happened twice, if it’s faulty it should have been fixed the first time.

From the DVSA sanctions policy.

FP £100

“TE 160DH” is an immediate prohibition.

edit: Just to add that if you get caught driving with a faulty tachograph and they discover it’s happened too often I’d say there’s a likelihood that you’ll get pulled in front of the TC and that won’t end well for you or your company.

Yes that was what came out for the entire shift.

Just to clarify, the drive time didn’t change all day even AFTER having my breaks but the break time kept going UP as I was driving so it was if the tacho was counting my driving time as break time.

The vehicle needs to be VOR’d and taken to a tachograph centre for examination and repair of the tachograph, it’s illegal to drive a vehicle with a faulty tachograph.



For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

That is a small portion of a tacho print-out.
No-one wants you to show your name, nor the vehicle reg, but the rest could be helpful.

You don’t understand, that is all that was on the printout.

It’s totally ■■■■■■ then, vor until sorted

It’s happened again, different vehicle (I’ve been off for 48 hours and haven’t done anything different to last time) I have video footage of me scrolling through the head unit pages and a print out but the print out is the same as the other one. Can’t upload video direct to forum so will have to upload it somewhere else if someone wants to see it.

Is there any possibility my card is goosed?

Is there any possibility my card is goosed?

More than likely if the same happens on 2 different lorries. You could report your card broken and legally drive without one for a week or so as long as the tacho works better without your card.
(And follow the rules)

I’d say unlikely to be a card issue as it would at least show a card error 50 fault or spit the card back out usually when a card fault exists.

A printout would still possibly help as it will show events etc.

It seems strange that the issue has happened twice on 2 different trucks.

Have the heads been downloaded by the operator and have they checked to see if any data for the day’s actually exists on the taco head? But it seems unlikely to have 2 faulty tachos at the same time in 2 trucks at the same company.

Has your card been downloaded and does that get read ok by the reader?

Also have you spoken to your office about the issue as it needs investigating to see what the problem is rather than just asking on here. Or even asked other drivers if they have had the same problem.

Have you defected both the tachos as previously mentioned?

So far all the bits we know still suggest a tacho head fault as already mentioned, but as we have said without further info to go on it’s hard to say otherwise what is going on other than a tacho head fault. But that seems rather unlikely given it’s happened on 2 separate trucks.

Are these brand new trucks?? I wonder if there is a chip shortage issue at play here that is causing the issue. Long shot but who knows.

And lastly again unlikely but have you had a new tacho card at all? But if you had I’d still expect an error of some sort with the card when Inserted.
Sent from my CPH2173 using Tapatalk

Same error on two different vehicles at the same time?
No one else has this issue on these vehicles?

Your card seems to work OK on some vehicles, but not others?



For those asking for a print out, it’s literally the first picture.

Edit to add: tacho head said exactly the same as the screen, I’ve driven mercedes for years and never seen them be different, but yes I did check it and yes it said exactly the same.

That is a small portion of a tacho print-out.
No-one wants you to show your name, nor the vehicle reg, but the rest could be helpful.

You don’t understand, that is all that was on the printout.

No, I dont understand then. Ive never seen a print out that was only 3cm long.

Not wishing to overlook the obvious:
Your card is going into “slot 1” , isn`t it? Not 2.

Not wishing to overlook the obvious:
Your card is going into “slot 1” , isn`t it? Not 2.

My thoughts exactly

Yes it’s definitely going in slot 1

Yes it’s definitely going in slot 1

Top line: