Tachograph exempt?

Mate of mine drives a class 2 planting lamp posts for a local authority. He told me he doesn’t need to use a tacho. Would this be right or is he having me on?

Mate of mine drives a class 2 planting lamp posts for a local authority. He told me he doesn’t need to use a tacho. Would this be right or is he having me on?

Think it falls under this exemption of vehicles used in connection with sewerage, flood protections, water, gas and electricity services: highway maintenance and control: refuse collections and disposal: telegraph and telephone services: carriage of postal Articles: radio and television broadcasting and the detection of radio or television transmitters or receivers.

Domestic drivers hours rules apply to the drivers’ of Vehicles on journeys within the United Kingdom which are exempt from the EC rules ( use of a tachograph )
Daily Driving Limit - Domestic A driver must not drive for more than 10 hours in a day. The daily driving limit applies to time spent at the wheel actually driving on a public road. Off-road driving counts as duty time.

And quote me if Im wrong guys

If he’s replacing existing lamp posts it may come under the heading on road maintenance.

Thanks lads.

Technically it’s called a derogation not an exemption, I think. When I worked in the drainage business we weren’t under Tacho rules, I thought it was odd so I checked up and they’re under a derogation. There are a surprising amount of jobs that come under these rules. I never saw or heard of any vehicles getting stopped by vosa despite some of them looking tatty.
While on the subject we never took note of any driving hours, working hours or any wtd stuff. It was never mentioned or checked up on by anyone in the time I worked there. During one particularly busy period a few of us worked every day for 16 weeks, excellent for the bank balance, poor for social life, never commented on.

I asked him if he had to keep a written record of his driving hours and mileage, but his answer was - No, just jump in and set off as if you’re driving your car.