Tacho question.

Tacho question again…

Went this morning, got the keys for a Volvo FM12 (Euro 5) Put stuff in the cab, turned ingition on to check oil etc and put card in.

When card went in a message card up, vehicle moved without card!!
Now up to now only the ignition had been on, no engine start, no handbrake release etc, only way I could remove the message was to press OK, so what had happened, guess now its on my card saying I moved it without a card in■■?

i wouldn’t worry. it has happened to me on all but my current vehicle.

Tacho question again…

Went this morning, got the keys for a Volvo FM12 (Euro 5) Put stuff in the cab, turned ingition on to check oil etc and put card in.

When card went in a message card up, vehicle moved without card!!
Now up to now only the ignition had been on, no engine start, no handbrake release etc, only way I could remove the message was to press OK, so what had happened, guess now its on my card saying I moved it without a card in■■?

what as probably happened is some one as moved the truck before you got in it, will tell you this ever with your card in cos its informing you just clear it or if you get in the truck next time before you put you card in check display and have a look if it says it again press OK and then put you card in, all movements of the truck are recorded in the head unit with or without the card

someone will have shunted it during the night without putting card in, it’ll show up on bottom of printouts made that it was moved but will show just minimal distance and so will be fine, if it’d been moved a fair way over a long period questions would then be asked

It happens everytime I get in the truck in the morning, It is because the loaders have been moving the truck around the yard with no card in.

Cheers for the answers guys…

Guess it must happen a lot when shunters are about then ;o)