Tacho not registering rest period

Yea, I always use the display option, I only printed out this day as I wanted proof on paper that I had taken my rest period.
much easier and quicker not printing anyway. Those stonebridge tachos tend to have a rest mid-printing lol

Yea, I always use the display option, I only printed out this day as I wanted proof on paper that I had taken my rest period.
much easier and quicker not printing anyway. Those stonebridge tachos tend to have a rest mid-printing lol

the older type stoneridge in the 09 380,s does tend to like to start stop as it suits it :wink:
the newer version in the 10/11/61 400,s/440,s just keeps printing once its started.
so im led to believe thats one of the issues stoneridge rectified on the newer version,alot quicker to do printouts,that said i still prefer the older version,i guess its just what youre used too.

I am back with info on my original post. turns out that these new fangle dangled Stoneridge tachos refuse to acknowledge 9 hour rest periods on the display , so only reset daily driving after an 11 hour rest.
mystery solved.

thanks for the replies :wink: