Can someone give a good detailed description on how to and why to mAke a manual entry on a digital tacho?
Also if I arrive at work at 7am and I don’t get into my lorry till 7:05 do I have to record tht onto the manual entry before I drive ?
Can someone give a good detailed description on how to and why to mAke a manual entry on a digital tacho?
Also if I arrive at work at 7am and I don’t get into my lorry till 7:05 do I have to record tht onto the manual entry before I drive ?
Yes you record your actual start time as a manual entry.
When you insert your card it will ask you if want to do a manual entry. Select yes then just follow the on screen prompts.
Remember if it is British summer time then the time will be 1 hour out which you have to account for (unless using the new 1.4 tacho units)
So I just Change the symbol to other work, then change the date to the day I’m on and then put the time to 7am then click enter ?
It will come up with the time the card was last taken out, So it will want to know what you have done up to the present time of re-entering card.
You can learn to do manual entries on type 1 digital tachographs (old type) on the Digital Tachograph Simulator
Here’s a video that shows how to do manual entries on Type 1 Siemens digital tachograph.
This video is for doing manual entries on type 2 digital tachographs (new type).
So I just Change the symbol to other work, then change the date to the day I’m on and then put the time to 7am then click enter ?
Sorry, I was a bit short of time earlier.
When you insert you card it will ask you if you want to do a manual entry (yes/no)
Select yes and it will take you to the time/date you last withdrew your card. Forward the time to when you shift finished ad select the other work mode. We normally add 15 mins to the end of our shift (unless we stayed on and did shunting etc)
It will then ask ‘end of shift ?’ Select yes and it will take you to the time you inserted your card. If you inserte it at 07:10 but started at 07:00 just push down on the time to take it to 07:00 and enter. Then move the time forward to 07:10 an select the mode (other work) and confirm.
When you do a printout, manual entries will show but they will be on their own between two lines to show they were manually input.
Hope this helps. It might be worth looking on YouTube for video examples which might explain a bit better than paragraphs of text.
Clips like tachograph has just posted while I was typing!!!