Tacho left in over weekend?


I just remembered I accidentally left my digi card in the truck as I’ve had one of them weeks from hell. Messaged my transport manager but can’t get into yard to remove it before Monday. My truck will be moved and loaded for me which my card will be removed Monday morning. Just need help on understanding what I need to do on Monday so I’m ok with driving time as I’m off on overnight. Really confused.

2 printouts. One for you, one for the office. Write the problem on the back, and your clocking off time on Friday. Sign and date it.

Keep calm and carry on trucking, it’s really not a problemo.

If your truck is going to be moved & loaded it means someones in the yard, can you or the TM not ring in and ask them to take it out

Almost done this a few times, at the very least a printout for each day your off with an explanation on it, keep a spare copy for your wallet as well.

If no break shown probable infringement bonanza on monday also so printout for that day as well.
Is there anyway to contact the loaders and get your card ejected before they move your truck.
Oh and does your tacho switch to break or otherwork when stationery.
Sure you will get away wigh this honest misstake but prepare for a lite ■■■■■■■ if stopped by DVVOSASA.

Yes my truck will be moved so my card will be taken out before he moves it on Monday morning just worried when he takes it out about 3 hours later I will be putting back in so wouldnt reset my driving time. So so confused. I’ll print out 2 copies and sign them. Do I leave card in on Monday while driving?

Carry on as you normally would on Monday and take all your usual breaks. Don’t worry about it. It’s honest mistake and really isn’t a problem.

Thank you so worried about tacho didn’t really sleep last night as all new to trucking. So pop card in and carry on?

Carry on as normal. You’re only human so crack on drive! :laughing:

I’w done it once. Left on hammers over weekend and had no idea.

Started Monday as normal. All week went ■■■■ up. infringements one after another.

Me and my TM made a print out and both signed the case. we do have tracker data if it ever goes bad.

So in real world i did what i do every week. But on my card i had worked 48 h Imagine how the rest of the week looked. taco print out was about 10 A4 pages.

I work 5,6,5,6 , but in this case it was like 5,13,5 hehe.

Yes mate. Pop card in and carry on. Never has trucking sounded so camp :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll have to manually keep track of your driving time, as it won’t be cleared over the weekend. And as Dave says you’ll have a list of infringements as long your arm next time it’s downloaded and analysed.

But as they all will come from this one error your printouts will cover it. Don’t panic it’s nothing to worry about.

It is not a problem, believe or not the Police and Dvsa are human too, they are after repeat offenders and fraud or forgery, leaving the card in by mistake will not come under their radar.
If stopped, a short explanation, and you will be on your way.
Relax, enjoy the weekend off.
They are fully aware that these things happen.
Everyone does it .

You’ll have to manually keep track of your driving time, as it won’t be cleared over the weekend. And as Dave says you’ll have a list of infringements as long your arm next time it’s downloaded and analysed.

I once made an error doing a manual entry on a new type of digi tacho I’d not seen after a weekend off which of course you can’t correct and as I recall I ended up with something like 10 infringements all from the one error which showed no weekend break. Quite impressive really.

These things tend to drag on so if you also have a reduced rest next weekend then theres another infringement. As stated though we are only human and misstakes are made. The trick is to account for the misstake and not make another one trying to cover it up.

Crack on as normal and be prepared to explain the irregularities if needed. Chances are you will never get pulled anyway but cover your arse to be on the safeside.

You would think that a simple manual entry could change it to sort this problem out given how often it happens, not that i would do one, obviously. :grimacing:

Yes my truck will be moved so my card will be taken out before he moves it on Monday morning just worried when he takes it out about 3 hours later I will be putting back in so wouldnt reset my driving time. So so confused. I’ll print out 2 copies and sign them. Do I leave card in on Monday while driving?

Doing a manual entry for the time they take it out and you putting it back in as break will clear any driving time if it is over 45 mins.

I did it a few months ago on my analogue tacho when the old girl (not the wife) went in for her six weekly. It left a hell of a black circle on my disc :imp:
That said, I nearly did it again on Friday night :blush: into Scania for checks and service along with my mates wagon, he shouts “testicles I forgot to take my card out” I think “Bollox I forgot to take my disc out” all pleasantries removed, we then cracked on and seen how fast the works van would go with 30p of fuel to do 10 miles :smiley:

I did a manual entry once pressing other work instead of rest from Friday to Saturday. As soon as I’d set off, It was saying to take a break. You should have seen the infringements as I kept on rolling. :smiley:

“Be seen to be doing something rather than ignore it” is a good rule of thumb. You’ll be fine. Have done similar myself, manual record sorts it.

Not being sarcastic here,but can you not jump in your car and go down there and retrieve it ? Save a lot of hassle on Monday. I suspect that if its left on drive/work mode after its been moved it’s not going to record any rest break, and come Monday it’s going to be flashing away at you.

Good point about attempting to cover up the error, do not try to cover it up, that is classed as forgery of records which will be viewed in a bad way by the authorities.
If it was me, I would not attempt manual entries on Monday as it takes one wrong button to be pressed to mess it all up.
This week, do not worry about it while driving as it will make you nervous driving and more prone to having an accident.
The chances are, you will not get stopped by Dvsa.