Tacho "interupted suppy"

just started a new job, MONDAY INTERVIEW, TUESDAY WORKING, WEDNESDAY LEFT… at Mondays interview informed the boss i have “no digi tacho experience”, start Tuesday,good day at work 8am-6pm, bit of shunting 7.5s and tidying up round business, drop off LWB van with brake fault at the dealers and lots of heavy labour, left Wednesday, on WEDNESDAY 8am-2pm i kept getting “interupted supply” on the tacho, kept trying to set up tacho but message kept coming, so i asked boss to look at it he said “NO i am busy”, so kept trying, no luck. i had a word with the 2nd in charge who said he will look it and try to work it out, i asked if he knows how to set up tacho he said “NO” but i will try to work it out, i said i wanted someone who knows about the tacho law to do it, the truck was having to be jump started on both days i was there, they said they would look at it tomorrow, so i said “I would not drive it till tomorrow,” after doing daily checks i asked if i could have daily defects book and told i dont need it, and was then given the address of the drop and still expected to drive, also the back doors do not have fixings to keep them open and a new employee (started thet day) had a near miss when the door blew round at speed as he was working at the back of the truck, because the pallet that was holding it open blew away, had i not jumped in the way he would of got it hard, without warning, i said it should go in the book as a near miss,but they wouldnt do it, also strong smell of gas that was dismissed as being OK.
There is lots more to this story but basically was told if i dont like it i can go home
,so i went home,
i phoned the company later that day to say my reasons for leaving, and to give them my hours as i wasnt there long enough to fill in time sheets, and explained i do not want to leave but do not want to stay, was given job back after much arguing with the boss, and told to come back at 8 am.
and have spent the night deliberating whether to go back or not, I didnt go back today and am typing this instead, i worked hard to get my licence and on day one do not want to mess it up .
it might be easy for you guys who are experienced with digi tacho. but for someone who doesnt have exp with one it is not so simple, CPC did not teach me to fix a digi tacho.
sad part is i liked the job, and need the work more than ever. and they obviously didnt mind taking me back after walking out.
i was only there 2 hours on the first day i watched a young lad dismissed, the second day i left, as i was leaving there was another in the office being interviewed

Don’t let one bad experience put you off, something was wrong with truck and you did right to point it out.
And it’s not your job to fix tachograph. If that fault keeps coming up especially in conjunction with having to jump start truck I wouldn’t take it out either.

That said you did have option of making manual records stating tacho faulty.

I’d have shown up if no change to their stance, fill in time sheet and take a copy then leave .

Sounds like a bad experience alright seems like the company has quite a few issues - the chief and 2nd not even knowing about tacho, no incident book, default log and expecting you just to work on regardless. Wonder would they have stood over you and that guy if he had got hit by the door or would they have claimed it was nothing to do with them. Health and safety seems like its out the window you need to be able to have a bit of faith in the company and the lorrys. These guys seem to dodgy hiring and firing I would stay away personally if it was me. But I know what you mean I have just recently started on the lorries and any chance of a job is a good thing but at the same time is it good experience

I heard number 2 guy saying to number one guy "its not about the health and safety it about making the paperwork tally up "
says it all… :open_mouth:

any other work out there you can get?

Flat batts and a jump start will cause the power interuption message, when truck is running just ok it.

just got a call ,off to interview now , single car transporter 7.5. (self employed)

Sometimes when you have an interview and they want you to start right away it’s because the job is no good that’s why nobody is doing it, you are a new driver but with time and experience you will learn how to avoid these companies.

just got a call ,off to interview now , single car transporter 7.5. (self employed)

Be careful of that as you will have to do all your own tax NI etc HMCR did run courses free of charge for all this help not sure if they do now

Also the tax office like you to work for more than 1 company