Tacho in Police vehicles

Hi there something slightly off track but I do need Help?

Last night I spent in the custody suite in Birkenhead for 9hrs for breech of the peace. I was arrested and placed in a Merecedes Sprinter with the Double tyres @ the back. Its a 30 zone all the way from my house to the cop shop and no way did the driver do 30mph. 3 times he slammed on and I nearly knocked myself out. I abit dazed when I arrived I heard the driver bragging to another officer how the speed down country lanes giving people in the back arough ride with no seatbelts.

So Question is are these sprinters of 3 1/2ton and would they need a Tacho as I am going to complain as sonn as i have enough info

Been out of the Job for two years now, but unless things have changed drastically and I don’t think they have, the Police are exempt from the use of tachographs when the vehicle is being used for Police purposes. That is not to say that the vehicle is not fitted with the device, but they are under no obligation to use it viz. put in a chart, that is unless there is a local directive, by the Constabulary covering Birkenhead, to use one.
Certainly they were not used in the Met.
Good luck!!

any police vehicle is exempt from tachos. what ever the weight.

Last night I spent in the custody suite in Birkenhead for 9hrs for breech of the peace.

As long as it was a minimum of 9 hours - must comply with EU regs :exclamation: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi there something slightly off track but I do need Help?

Last night I spent in the custody suite in Birkenhead for 9hrs for breech of the peace. I was arrested and placed in a Merecedes Sprinter with the Double tyres @ the back. Its a 30 zone all the way from my house to the cop shop and no way did the driver do 30mph. 3 times he slammed on and I nearly knocked myself out. I abit dazed when I arrived I heard the driver bragging to another officer how the speed down country lanes giving people in the back arough ride with no seatbelts.

So Question is are these sprinters of 3 1/2ton and would they need a Tacho as I am going to complain as sonn as i have enough info

The vans are not goods vehicles, they are personnel carriers (i.e. PCV’s) and because they have less than 17 seats, a D1 driving licence is needed to drive them (9 to 16 passenger seats).

Technically, a bus with more than 9 seats does require a tachograph fitted, but there are a few exemptions and (surprise, surprise) the police are exempt from using them. They’re also covered by this;
"Vehicles with between 10 and 17 seats used exclusively for the non-commercial carriage of passengers.
(Article 13 (i) of Reg. 561/2006 and Article 5 of SI No. 62 of 2008 refers)"

So, no, you won’t find any tacho evidence to back up your complaint. Just go to the nick and make the complaint if you’re that way inclined. Then you can waste their time as they investigate a claim made by someone who got themselves locked up for carrying on alarming :unamused: Just don’t complain when no-one turns up when your house is being burgled or your granny being robbed…all the cops are investigating ridiculous complaints made by punters!

Just my opinion, you don’t have to like it.

Good answer

Why did they call these vehicles Black Mariah’s and who was Mariah?

Hi there something slightly off track but I do need Help?

Last night I spent in the custody suite in Birkenhead for 9hrs for breech of the peace. I was arrested and placed in a Merecedes Sprinter with the Double tyres @ the back. Its a 30 zone all the way from my house to the cop shop and no way did the driver do 30mph. 3 times he slammed on and I nearly knocked myself out. I abit dazed when I arrived I heard the driver bragging to another officer how the speed down country lanes giving people in the back arough ride with no seatbelts.

So Question is are these sprinters of 3 1/2ton and would they need a Tacho as I am going to complain as sonn as i have enough info

What are you going to complain about? the fact you were locked up or the fact you over heard a bobby tell another he speeds which you have no proof of i presume. As shrek said don’t complain that they don’t come next time you want them. live and let live eh.

Wheel Nut:
Why did they call these vehicles Black Mariah’s and who was Mariah?

Here ya go mate :smiley: BLACK MARIA

Hi there something slightly off track but I do need Help?

The answer to this is yes, you do :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Don’t be offended, but c’mon…you got arrested for acting the pratt…now you want to make a complaint against the police…really, dude, get a grip of yourself!
If you’re gonna make a ■■■ of yourself on 'ere…expect to get ribbed a bit! :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink:

No m’lud, it wasnt police brutality, my client fell down some steps 4 times on the way to the cells :stuck_out_tongue:

So you make a complaint.

Officer 1. The conversation did not take place sir/ma’am.

Officer 2. The conversation did not take place sir/ma’am.

You . Yes it did.

Case closed.

At the end of the day. If you did not like it, don’t get yourself locked up :bulb:


Wheel Nut:
Why did they call these vehicles Black Mariah’s and who was Mariah?

Here ya go mate :smiley: BLACK MARIA

Interesting link that Shrek, it seems the insides of such vehicles were/are (you see, I haven’t been inside one :unamused: ) padded to protect the passengers.
Seems they were expected to give a rough ride. :wink: :laughing:

I would think all Police vehicles are fitted with black boxes to record all data.If you made an official complaint,the data would have to be analysed.I get the impression that if the officer is a decent copper,it will go no further but if the officer is a troublesome one,they will use any excuse to get rid of him.
But surely,no seat belts in a van raises serious health and safety and your rights to be safe whilst in transit to custody.If a builder drove down a road with someone sitting in the back,they would be nicked for it.Whats the difference?
Just another double standard that makes normal law abiding citizens question Police actions.

Not all police vehicles are fitted with “black boxes”, only some. They continually record the previous 30 seconds or so of driving in a memory which is then overwritten with the next 30 secs and so on and so until they are activated by what the device classes as an erroneous movement, at which point that specific 30 secs is saved to a mini “hard drive” for analysis. They are extremely sensitive and in my experience going over a speed bump at a rate of knots will set them off.

And in addition to the question of health and safety regarding seatbelts - Police officers are exempt from seatbelts when a prisoner is in the vehicle. That was certainly the case a few years ago.

Maybe not all police forces but most have trackers which can tell where the police vehicle has been and what speed it was doing.

There was someone awhile back made a complaint about a police car speeding for no reason on a dual carraigeway where the speed limit was 50mph reduced from 70mph.

He was annoyed because got done for doing 65mph in the 50mph a few days earlier and told how dangerous his speeding was, so wasnt happy to see a police car blast by him a few days later.

He contacted the police, was told they had a tracker and vehicle had been speeding, driver would get a warning over it. The guy said he wanted the guy charged over it, was told tracker evidence couldnt be used to charge someone with speeding.

So prob is a record somewhere of the guy drivin the van speeding but little chance of anything happening.

years ago did,nt the old police range rovers (motorway patrol cars) come fitted with a calibrated tachograph.■■?

Dont really think you have cause for complaint BUT if you want to complain i would complain about the fact that there was no seat belts !!!

I would think all Police vehicles are fitted with black boxes to record all data.If you made an official complaint,the data would have to be analysed.I get the impression that if the officer is a decent copper,it will go no further but if the officer is a troublesome one,they will use any excuse to get rid of him.
But surely,no seat belts in a van raises serious health and safety and your rights to be safe whilst in transit to custody.If a builder drove down a road with someone sitting in the back,they would be nicked for it.Whats the difference?
Just another double standard that makes normal law abiding citizens question Police actions.

Double standards it may be but how many law abiding citizens do you know that would try to kill themselves with seat belt? Next people will complain that when put in a cell you either remove your laces or your shoes alltogether, Why because some half wits try to kill themselves with them. Oh no they already do that.

Can you imagine locking up some 20 stone bloke who doesn’t take too kindly tooo it, having to scrap with him to get him in the van in the first place, and then you want someone to put a seat belt on him■■?