Tacho help (not another one)

Morning all,

Can anyone point me in the right direction…I know this has probably been asked before so apologies in advanced!

Whenever I have been finishing my shifts, I simply eject my card on crossed hammers. Speaking to a driver this morning though and he said I should always put it on bed before ejecting, he seems to think that by me leaving it on cross hammers from when I leave the vehicle to returning to work the following day, that this is an infringement?

Can anyone clarify this for me?


I was always told to put it on bed before you take card put so it shiws when you started your daily rest or weekly break shows as a digital mark same as when you used to mark it on paper charts with sdr and edr hope it helps

Does not make any difference and there is no legal requirement on this

In most cases a little other work will be done after withdrawing card and that will need to be manually inputted the next time the card is inserted

+1 to this, I always have at least 10mins of work after pulling my card, even if that is just waiting at the office to hand the keys in!

Does not make any difference and there is no legal requirement on this

In most cases a little other work will be done after withdrawing card and that will need to be manually inputted the next time the card is inserted

I noticed the handbook for the Siemens does say put it onto ‘bed’ before withdrawing the card. I can’t find the right book or page now, but I did read it - I’m sure!!

I have a simulator for the V1.4 and V2.0 from Siemens and did a few experiments. At times leaving it on ‘crossed hammers’ and then putting my card in after a daily rest but NOT carrying out a manual entry - the VDO counters didn’t reset meaning my driving time from previous shift carried over and all the data was wrong.

The above wouldn’t be a legal issue but it would make the advanced screens of the V1.4 and V2.00 Siemens tacho a bit pointless. If you always do a full manual entry to record your rest as well then it shouldn’t be a problem.

Based on these little tests I would suggest it is good practice to select ‘bed’ before ejecting and on entering the card. This isn’t a legal issue just I believe best practice.

Technically putting on rest/break when not actually on such is illegal

Put on bed and then taking out card is still other work unless the card removes itself !!

Technically putting on rest/break when not actually on such is illegal

Put on bed and then taking out card is still other work unless the card removes itself !!

I agree but it does seem to make a difference to the later tachos. There again - lets be really pedantic and maybe argue that once I press the final OK button my work is finished.