Hi all, I had something strange happen with my tacho today, in that it recorded a 45 minute break from 2 breaks that weren’t 15 and 30 minutes.
A bit more detail, I was told to stop by my office for another truck to meet me for me to take something off of his truck. I put my tacho on a break while I was sitting and it recorded 29 minutes. I later took an 18 minute break to cover my working time as I had plenty of driving time left. As I pulled away I went to check my driving time and noticed it was reading 00h02. I stopped and took a printout at my next stop as I was confused as to why it had recorded 29 minutes and 18 minutes as a ■■■■■■■■■■ 47.
I took a 45 shortly afterwards to make sure I was covered as it is illegal to split your breaks any way other than 15 then 30, yes?
I reported this to my office who had the reply that I obviously didn’t know how a tacho works.
Anyone had this before or know of a reason?