tacho cheats

does any one no of any :sunglasses:

Do mean people who do it ?.
Or those smart zbā€™s who think they have a one so good, so original that no one else has ever thought of it, or that they are so zbā€™ing clever that they, unlike everyone else, are going to get away with it when someone who knows how to manually analyse a chart looks at theirs ?.
If the latter donā€™t forget that the VOSA & Police also have the right to any & all paperwork that may help in the investgation & that unlike the average trucker trying to pull a fast one, they have time on their side & also a tiny bit more intelligence.

does any one no of any :sunglasses:

None that are worth risking your drivers licence for really. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Did you want to use them or just to know to tell your friends about? :smiley:

To be honest itā€™s probably not the best first post, but nevertheless, welcome to TruckNetUK. Some forums have a welcome pack they direct to new users but here you just have to ask :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Cheerio :slight_smile:

Iā€™m not too sure about the ā€œbit more intelligenceā€, Smeserver. However, as far as I know, every one has been done and spotted before. So all they have to do is spot the tell-tails and check. There is the evidence neat and tidy. So they donā€™t just do you for whatever offence you where trying to cover up, they do you for falsifying legal records as well. For that, they throw away the key.

Simon Said;
So they donā€™t just do you for whatever offence you where trying to cover up, they do you for falsifying legal records as well. For that, they throw away the key.

Quite true; knowingly make a false record = fine of upto Ā£ 5 000 and upto 2 years in a small room with a lousy view. Probably better to keep it legal as most fiddles can be easily spotted by a trained person.

Keep it legal for everybodies sake.
You only end up cheating all the drivers by keeping the rates down.