Tacho chart

I lost analogue chart so done a manual entry is that ok

Hi I use Digi card in my regular truck.I had to use a older truck with
Analogue.only went 30mins drive to collect my truck then done my days work in mine .
When I got back to yard downloaded my card and couldn’t find the analogue disc so I
Done a manual entry is that ok? I had written mileage in my diary luckily.

That is fine = perfect

As above, and you probably left it in the old lorry.

Transport manager is saying cause I lost it then it is classed as fraud?
Iam a bit confused…

Transport manager is saying cause I lost it then it is classed as fraud?
Iam a bit confused…

He’s talking out of his ■■■.
Mind if you purposely lost it it would be naughty :wink:
A spillage of coffee or tea use to do the trick

When you say you did a manual entry, presumably you mean you did a printout and wrote the manual entry on that ?

Done it on the back of analogue chart

Done it on the back of analogue chart

That’s fair enough you did the right thing, as said you probably left the chart in the older lorry, it happens.

It also happens that TMs sometimes talk a lot of nonsense :wink:

Thanks for the advice and comments
Have a happy new year