Tacho card renewal

My current card expires in April mid week. I had the renewal letter in Jan and have the new card… so have the card 2 months before expiry! Work tell me to use old card until the day of expiry. But as a tramper I am paid on tacho card recorded hours. So in the expiry week at the end of the week I presume I put both cards in the reader. Please advise if this is the case.

I thought I should start using the new card at the beginning of the expiry week so not to confuse things. The last time I had a new card I was doing day work so didn’t have this situation. [One keeps old card for 28+ days I gather in case one is stopped by DVSA and have to provide the data for inspection].

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Ok many thanks for the reply. I just guessed one downloads both but not sure.

You use the existing card right up until midnight on the day it runs out.

…so if it expires August 15, it’s OK to use it until Aug 15 @ 2359 UTC? Need to be aware the tachograph is UTC and NOT local time.

For the UK that would mean you could use it until Aug 16 @ 0059 LOCAL TIME?

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