Tacho card fault or not

dropbox.com/s/3ljg3xbsf9hks … 0.jpg?dl=0

can anyone tell me whats going on here plz the hours this is quoting are impossible for the actual hours i worked considering i only work 3 days a week.

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can anyone tell me whats going on here plz the hours this is quoting are impossible for the actual hours i worked considering i only work 3 days a week.

Did you put the tacho on rest before you removed your card ?

Was the tacho on rest before you inserted your card ?

I cant remember if i put the tacho on rest or not on those particular days but i normally start and finish on rest .

is this the càuse of this reading ?

Quite possibly. Some of the analysis programmes used, will not insert a rest period, if the shift has been started and/or finished on “other work”…

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can anyone tell me whats going on here plz the hours this is quoting are impossible for the actual hours i worked considering i only work 3 days a week.

it is all RT(WT)R stuff and nothing to do with tacho regs so I would not worry about it

The company is responsible for working out that stuff not the driver

Authorities have not been interested in over 10 years

Had it been a tacho issue then it would be showing a darn sight more than that in infringements !!

In my case, I always insert and remove the card while the tacho is on “other work”. This means I have to do a manual entry whenever I insert the card. The reason for this is that we can spend anything up to an hour or so before we get the truck, and can spend a fair bit of time after finishing with the truck before the shift has ended…


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can anyone tell me whats going on here plz the hours this is quoting are impossible for the actual hours i worked considering i only work 3 days a week.

it is all RT(WT)R stuff and nothing to do with tacho regs so I would not worry about it

The company is responsible for working out that stuff not the driver

Authorities have not been interested in over 10 years

Had it been a tacho issue then it would be showing a darn sight more than that in infringements !!

There’s a driver infringement there Rog. Worked 6.5 hrs without a break.



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can anyone tell me whats going on here plz the hours this is quoting are impossible for the actual hours i worked considering i only work 3 days a week.

it is all RT(WT)R stuff and nothing to do with tacho regs so I would not worry about it

The company is responsible for working out that stuff not the driver

Authorities have not been interested in over 10 years

Had it been a tacho issue then it would be showing a darn sight more than that in infringements !!

There’s a driver infringement there Rog. Worked 6.5 hrs without a break.

That again is a RT(WT)R one not an EU regs one so what I said still applies