Tach Trak

I’m returning to driving artics from a 7 year spell doing summut else (The other thing was crap, but I wanted to give it a chance).

Years ago, i had a "Tach Trak"drivers hours calculator which was brilliant and took all the work out of keeping it legal. I sold it along with my TV, fridge and all tyhe stuff I’d accumulated over the years.

I was just wondering if anyone still uses these and would it be worth me investing in a new one?

I use one everyday, extremely handy! A new one is really expensive but they’re always coming up on Ebay.

The TachTrac was a good machine, in its day. Rather like the mobile phones of that period it was a bit on the large side.
There was another all singing n dancing drivers timer, done by Davey Driver, a much smaller unit, but not so ridiculously small you couldn’t use it properly.
He did an up-dated version which took the WTD into account as well.
Due to reasons I won’t go into here, he stopped doing them. There are several threads about what happened if you really want to know, a couple of years ago.

He’s just about to start a new improved version. There’s a forum header for it on the forum list page. It might be worth waiting for that to become available.

I believe TachTrac might have recently produced a more up to date unit, but I haven’t heard much about it, just a vague memory of reading something somewhere.