Sorry if this has been posted before, BUT I love all the old stuff.



Jim’s wife was definitely banging someone else. 7-10 days away and barely a peck on the cheek.

Postman I reckon.

Superb footage.

Love the old ERF wagons.

Jim’s wife was definitely banging someone else. 7-10 days away and barely a peck on the cheek.

Postman I reckon.

must be coalman in them days :open_mouth:

Did the milkman not leave the milk and cream in the back passage in them days? :open_mouth:

I think Jims back passage had some hammer too.

His drivers mate seemed very close to him.

Lol living the dream health inspector with ■■■ on

10 days to Europe, in a daycab on steel springs… :open_mouth:

get your rose tinted glasses here…

i though i was hard done by in an fl10 320 i just laughed all the way through that cheered me up no end BRILLIANT…!!!

The whole vid made me laugh, mostly due to the commentary in that ridiculous accent people on telly used to speak.

Minute 7 cracked me up. ‘will it go under this low bridge…no. she’s not going to make it.’

reminds me of the time i did Sweden on TIR in exactly the same kind of truck, would load out of Tate & Lyle silvertown, but was lucky to be able to use their own sugar containers, was a great job till they decided to ship the containers via felixstowe.