
Up yours Mrs merkll

I completely agree, and would like to be one of the first from the UK to congratulate Greek voters on their choice, one can only hope that Nigel Farage will achieve a similar result in May and drag David Cameron’s tongue out of Angela Merkel’s back passage for once and for all.



Harry Monk:
I completely agree, and would like to be one of the first from the UK to congratulate Greek voters on their choice, one can only hope that Nigel Farage will achieve a similar result in May and drag David Cameron’s tongue out of Angela Merkel’s back passage for once and for all.

Ironically if Greece defaults on its EU debts ( mostly owed to Germany for German made stuff ) the Germans will be asking us to pay up plus interest.In which case Cameron is probably already writing out the cheque. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Here is my take and bailing out these countries, think about, they live in a warm climate, have lunch breaks that last for hours, as it is too hot to work in the Summer.
You take off to the beach, have a Siesta, eat, then back to work.
Not very productive.
The Portuguese would load 25 pallets and say you need 26 to make a full load.
They could have put the final pallet on the trailer before they ran off for Siesta, but make you wait for hours, until they come back.
Just to be awkward.

Here is my take and bailing out these countries, think about, they live in a warm climate, have lunch breaks that last for hours, as it is too hot to work in the Summer.
You take off to the beach, have a Siesta, eat, then back to work.
Not very productive.
The Portuguese would load 25 pallets and say you need 26 to make a full load.
They could have put the final pallet on the trailer before they ran off for Siesta, but make you wait for hours, until they come back.
Just to be awkward.

Disgusting. And everyone is so helpful in the UK.

Their government met this morning here is the transcript .

I wish them well … in-detail/

Their government met this morning here is the transcript .

I wish them well … in-detail/

Or in other words the justifiable accusation that Greece is where it is because of German policies and that Germany now needs to pick up the bill for its own backfired trade regime.Let alone the obvious double standards in which Germany was happy enough to accept the type of deal in the post war stitch up that it now wants to deny to Greece.

While what the whole thing does prove is that we need to walk away from the foreign aid scam which is the EU ASAP.While holding Germany to account.Which in this case would include telling Germany that it will just have to cover its own losses which it has brought on itself,by trying to use Greece as a dumping ground for German products and to provide German jobs,while,as usual,expecting the Brits to pay for it in the form of our contributions to the EU budget and artificially created trade deficit.The fact is Germany’s economic position v ours,since the end of WW2,is an insult to the memory of all those who fought against it in WW2.As is its hypocritical position concerning the Greek issue which effectively is just a case of Germany using its trade surplus as a scam to make Germany richer at the expense of its export markets and their banks.