Swiss tunnel fire

Reported tuesday , from swiss police

In the area of the ST Gotthard Tunnel on tuesday a lorry from ITALY
had the misfourtune to catch fire and burn completely out due to the ferocity of the fire,which started in the engine of the vehicle. The swiss fire-
brigade was able to control the acctualy fire from spreading and causeing more damage,but this caused a delay of 5hours due to the incident,
NO one was injured but the damage was claimed to be in the region of
80.000pounds ,

ADDED NOTE:: wouldit be worth here the swiss tunnel authorities also
bringing into operation a system of checking the lorrys before they enter
the tunnel as a extra safety option,just likethe one used in the BLANC or FREJUS■■?

Reading that Pete it seems to say to me that the fire wasn’t in the Gotthard Tunnel or the ones leading up to it. It sounds like it was on open road near the tunnel. If it had been in a tunnel, I think the estimated cost of the damage would be much higher, £80,000 is barely the cost of a truck and trailer never mind the load or any infrastructure.

SORRY ,i can only report what the report stated here on line from the swiss police and they claimened .

-Ein brennender Sattelschlepper hat am Dienstag fast fünf Stunden lang den Verkehr im Schweizer St.-Gotthard-Tunnel blockiert. Nach Angaben der Polizei fing der Motor des italienischen Lastwagens gegen 08.00 Uhr morgens an zu brennen. Das Feuer war schnell unter Kontrolle, der Lastwagen brannte dennoch völlig aus. Verletzt wurde laut Polizei niemand. Der Sachschaden beläuft sich auf rund 100.000 Euro.

What a joke, the same company that runs both T M B and FREJUS using all the latest monitering gizmo’s still couldnt prevent the recent fire at frejus,6 years after the fire in the blanc the killed so many !!! The 150 meter rule or the 50 k min 70k max speed limit are rarely enforced…unless or course you are ENGLISH,then im sure the maximum 800 and something euro fine the, 600 euro’s for a police ■■■■■■ for running a fridge through the (tmb) (who would??) and that’s with out the cost of a ticket …another 246 euro’s…■■■■ there’s the profit gone…sorry guys just venting!!!

600 Euros for running a reefer through the tunnel? Can’t you just turn it off while you transit through??

is that right 600 euros for a fridge? :open_mouth: christ we don’t pay that for a wide load!

It gets too hot in the middle for that Alex :open_mouth: :smiley: .

They charge extra to ■■■■■■ reefers through because they are 5cm, (or 2 inches) over width. They won’t let reefers through the Mont Blanc Tunnel at all, for that same reason, I think.
At least I’m sure I remember reading that somewhere, in here almost certainly.

They charge extra to ■■■■■■ reefers through because they are 5cm, (or 2 inches) over width. They won’t let reefers through the Mont Blanc Tunnel at all, for that same reason, I think.
At least I’m sure I remember reading that somewhere, in here almost certainly.

Thats right, Simon. I posted it in here. Fridges are not allowed thro MB cos off overwidth.

The Bear:
Thats right, Simon. I posted it in here. Fridges are not allowed thro MB cos off overwidth.

Thanks Bear, I’m glad I didn’t imagine it. :laughing: :laughing: