Swine Flu

I think I’ve got swine Flu…

I Keep Breaking out in rashers… :open_mouth:

The taxi’s on the way :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A pig flu?
I thought that was impossible.

A pig flu?
I thought that was impossible.

Don’t think so cos I saw this one earlier…

I think I’ve got swine Flu…
I Keep Breaking out in rashers… :open_mouth:

The taxi’s on the way :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You can get some oinkment for that,

You wanna share a minicab■■?

Just won a holiday to Mexico, but I can’t go. I’m pig sick.

These are crackling jokes :laughing: :laughing:

How did the pig go on holiday?
The swine flu

When we had Mad Cow Disease, we had to slaughter millions of cattle.
Foot and Mouth outbreak meant we had to kill millions of sheep and cattle.
Bird Flu - millions of birds culled.

So, in the interest of international safety…what we gonna do about this Mexican Flu?

When we had Mad Cow Disease, we had to slaughter millions of cattle.
Foot and Mouth outbreak meant we had to kill millions of sheep and cattle.
Bird Flu - millions of birds culled.

So, in the interest of international safety…what we gonna do about this Mexican Flu?

You’ll be asking about Asian flu next

When we had Mad Cow Disease, we had to slaughter millions of cattle.
Foot and Mouth outbreak meant we had to kill millions of sheep and cattle.
Bird Flu - millions of birds culled.

So, in the interest of international safety…what we gonna do about this Mexican Flu?

What about Man Flu :question: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Im off for a ■■■ change :grimacing:

I had a phone call of my wife yesterday…

“When you get home can you put some petrol in the car cos I’m scared to do it” she said

“Why?” I asked

“It’s this swine flu thing” she replied

“No love, you’ve got it wrong” I said “It’s in Mexico not texaco”

A mate of mine told me he had Swine flu, i asked him how long he had it, he replied “about a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!”

Taxi!! :laughing: :laughing:

I’m fairly convinced I’ve got Swine Flu…

I’ve had a bad case of the trotters all week…