Swains and morgans pics


jessica’s dad:
i cant believe swains are making money on transmec :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

We have had 2 motors of them for at least 2 years, ones normally on Hoover with the other on general. I guess there must be money in it somewhere.

Mind you there the only suby’s left now .

well they must be earning something then, but did the other subbies give up flogging the horse or were they dropped from transmec.

anyway gerry when are we going to get your italian run diary. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi all great pictures and stories. I live in Shrewsbury and remember all the big names in Shropshire like Swains , D&N Morgan, Lloyds of Ludlow and Cadwalladers.Its a pity thay have all gone. I used to be a lorry driver and so was my dad. Its nice too see the old pictures.

Hi just found a leaflet of Swains of Stretton hope you like it.

Another pic

4 more too go .lol



Last one. Sorry they aren’t in order !

Some great pictures there.
In memory of swains,when they were based in church stretton,the yard they ran from is now houses and is named swains meadow


Hi mercmani23,
Great pics and interesting read about Swains,I remember them well,pass there old yard that was regular,strange to see houses and a small business park there now,better if it was still lorries,don’t suppose the people in Church Stretton would agree with me about that. :laughing: Keep them coming.
Cheers Dave.