Sutton group.

Hi guys. I’m looking at doing my adr and I want to work for sutton group. Anyone got any information please

Hi guys. I’m looking at doing my adr and I want to work for sutton group. Anyone got any information please

dream on :grimacing: deadmans :sunglasses:

Do your adr and wait for your card to come through then call in there and enquire. They have that many old fellas working for them that will have to retire one day that you might just call in at the right time? The people I know who work there are happy with the job and take home £800 ish weekly inclusive of n/o money, they’re on over £12 an hour

There is a standing ad on there website for drivers must have experience tho, I enquired ages ago was told come back when you have some ADR tank experience make of that what you will.