Suspected illegal immigrants found in Portsmouth

A group of 28 suspected illegal immigrants discovered hiding in a lorry in Portsmouth have been detained.

Police said the men and women were found by officers in the back of the HGV.

They were given medical treatment by ambulance crews and then taken into custody by Border Force officers on suspicion of being in the UK illegally.

The driver of the lorry was also arrested, on suspicion of facilitating illegal entry into the UK

Given medical treatment? i hope they are going to be billed for that treatment, Personally i feel that they should of been given a good kicking and put on the next ferry out We need to stop this pandering to the ■■■■■■■ and send a message to the rest to not bother coming here because they aren’t wanted or wellcome

I saw 3 jump out the back of a trailer as the driver opened the back doors this week at JLR solihull. He grabbed them and asked where they had got in only for some DHL manager to come running out shouting at them for not wearing a hi vis, they used this as their cue to bolt :unamused: :laughing: No idea if they caught them or not.

tommy t:
Given medical treatment? i hope they are going to be billed for that treatment, Personally i feel that they should of been given a good kicking and put on the next ferry out We need to stop this pandering to the [zb] and send a message to the rest to not bother coming here because they aren’t wanted or welcome

Agreed. But I bet you a pound to a penny they will be allowed to stay. They will have come with no passports so they can’t send them anywhere without them. These people are so crafty and know the rules here. No passport No go anywhere.

What’s with the “SUSPECTED” illegal immigrants? They’re in a back of a lorry, no ticket, no boarding card, probably no passport :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
They haven’t come to England for a fortnights sightseeing holiday

It’s going to get far, far worse, this was Paris today…

Strangely, there is an almost total media blackout about this.

I saw 3 jump out the back of a trailer as the driver opened the back doors this week at JLR solihull. He grabbed them and asked where they had got in only for some DHL manager to come running out shouting at them for not wearing a hi vis, they used this as their cue to bolt :unamused: :laughing: No idea if they caught them or not.

Perhaps they were trying to escape from Soilhull :bulb:

Harry Monk:
It’s going to get far, far worse, this was Paris today…

Strangely, there is an almost total media blackout about this.

Harry that incident was 4 days ago and it’s been all over the news here in France, it was one of the incidents that sparked off the demos by police officers in Paris, on Thursday and Friday

It’s the Islamic invasion of Western Europe. They’ve got almost whole ■■■■■■■■■■ in Sweden, Belgium and Germany, now they’re pushing through France and onto here if they get the chance. We’ve now been lumbered with a Muslim mayor in the capital (stage one in their plan for dominance) and the majority of the population seem to think it’s ok. It’ll be sharia law inside 20 years at this rate. Anyone like Nigel Farage or Geert Wilders is shouted down as a racist, rather than realists :unamused:

It’s the Islamic invasion of Western Europe. They’ve got almost whole ■■■■■■■■■■ in Sweden, Belgium and Germany, now they’re pushing through France and onto here if they get the chance. We’ve now been lumbered with a Muslim mayor in the capital (stage one in their plan for dominance) and the majority of the population seem to think it’s ok. It’ll be sharia law inside 20 years at this rate. Anyone like Nigel Farage or Geert Wilders is shouted down as a racist, rather than realists :unamused:

But think of the 3000 children.

I think once the Police give up it is anarchy is it not?

It’s the Islamic invasion of Western Europe. They’ve got almost whole ■■■■■■■■■■ in Sweden, Belgium and Germany, now they’re pushing through France and onto here if they get the chance. We’ve now been lumbered with a Muslim mayor in the capital (stage one in their plan for dominance) and the majority of the population seem to think it’s ok. It’ll be sharia law inside 20 years at this rate. Anyone like Nigel Farage or Geert Wilders is shouted down as a racist, rather than realists :unamused:


If it’s a foreign lorry they belong to that country get in the back and sod off

Ain’t it bleedin obvious that they’ve come from France ! Send 'em back there and let them sort 'em out.

… And we’ll STILL have people vote IN!!! :unamused:

… And we’ll STILL have people vote IN!!! :unamused:

why do you think being out-of the EU will solve the migrant problem ? I think there is good argument that a brexit will exacerbate the problem; no more border control on the other side of the channel will cause numbers making it over to the UK rocket out of control, and there is no mechanism to send them back, once they are here they will be staying.

It’s the Islamic invasion of Western Europe. They’ve got almost whole ■■■■■■■■■■ in Sweden, Belgium and Germany, now they’re pushing through France and onto here if they get the chance. We’ve now been lumbered with a Muslim mayor in the capital (stage one in their plan for dominance) and the majority of the population seem to think it’s ok. It’ll be sharia law inside 20 years at this rate. Anyone like Nigel Farage or Geert Wilders is shouted down as a racist, rather than realists :unamused:

back to enoch powell then . he said it all those years ago but the usual suspects shouted him down and branded him racist . he wasn’t scaremongering , he was taking a long term view and it is now coming to pass . rivers of blood as he called them is now on the horizon .

Powell was on the money. Everything he proficised has come to fruit. There’s nothing more dangerous than the mind of a fool

Bluey Circles:

… And we’ll STILL have people vote IN!!! :unamused:

why do you think being out-of the EU will solve the migrant problem ? I think there is good argument that a brexit will exacerbate the problem; no more border control on the other side of the channel will cause numbers making it over to the UK rocket out of control, and there is no mechanism to send them back, once they are here they will be staying.

It’s obvious that we’ve got more chance of sorting out the real problem of them being allowed to stay which is what’s attracting them if we’re out of the EU.Let alone the issue of Merkel bringing in even more. :unamused: