Supermarkets ,posotive news

With tesco announcing the closure of 43 stores ,the obvious knock on affect of not as big a supply chain needed ,this has got too be positive news ,we can now get away from being just steering wheel attendants ,risk assessments etc and get back to doing proper work ,farms ,forests ,one end of the country too the other ,never knowing where your off the next day ,sounds much more interesting and enjoyable :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

With tesco announcing the closure of 43 stores ,the obvious knock on affect of not as big a supply chain needed ,this has got too be positive news ,we can now get away from being just steering wheel attendants ,risk assessments etc and get back to doing proper work ,farms ,forests ,one end of the country too the other ,never knowing where your off the next day ,sounds much more interesting and enjoyable :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Its sad that Tescos are closing stores. Mostly because my missus works for them and i’d really wish them to do well, but also i prefer to imagine you delivering to them when you hate it. Then trying to post here and nothing showing up for hours, life don’t get any more frustrating eh ? :grimacing: :grimacing:


With tesco announcing the closure of 43 stores ,the obvious knock on affect of not as big a supply chain needed ,this has got too be positive news ,we can now get away from being just steering wheel attendants ,risk assessments etc and get back to doing proper work ,farms ,forests ,one end of the country too the other ,never knowing where your off the next day ,sounds much more interesting and enjoyable :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Its sad that Tescos are closing stores. Mostly because my missus works for them and i’d really wish them to do well, but also i prefer to imagine you delivering to them when you hate it. Then trying to post here and nothing showing up for hours, life don’t get any more frustrating eh ? :grimacing: :grimacing:

Firstly I’m sorry if your Mrs looses her job,but I’m a selfish sod and it would make my day if I never did another store delivery in my life .
On a positive note that was a pretty quick turn round of my post and long may it continue,but don’t get complacent ,I will continue too monitor turn round times on posts ,and will let my feelings be known ( when and if you can be assed too read it ) if I feelyou and the other moderators are starting too slip into your old ways :exclamation: :exclamation:

Mike-c My misses also works for tesco’s and they have been told this morning that most of the stores earmarked to be closed are express stores and the bigger stores that are struggling to make a profit And have no hope , they have also canned 49 extra stores that was in the pipeline to be built ,

Mike-c My misses also works for tesco’s and they have been told this morning that most of the stores earmarked to be closed are express stores and the bigger stores that are struggling to make a profit And have no hope , they have also canned 49 extra stores that was in the pipeline to be built ,

Same as Sainsburys then with canning the new supermarkets to be built. We were due a Sainsburys down Stairfoot in Barnsley where the big B&Q is but they’ve put that along with others on the back burner due to money problems.

They’re also moving their HQ from Cheshunt to Welwyn Garden and closing their pension scheme.
I predict this is just the start and within the next couple of years there will be more store closures and staff cuts at Tesco and Sainsbury’s.
With supermarket share prices at virtually an all time low something has to be done and now that the side has taken off so spectacularly Tesco’s has far too many stores which are simply too large for their current needs.
I expect them too learn some lessons from Aldi/Lidl and have smaller stores, reduced range, minimal staff and who knows, could well end up being self load/self tip, it wouldn’t surprise me!!

Dozy if you hate shop deliveries then get another job that pulls a different type of trailer.
Good news that new Express shops are being canned, might keep a few pubs open.
Not surprised Tescos are having trouble, many of their own brand products are inferior to the likes of Aldi and Lidl.

I’m working for Aldi in Chelmsford and been told we have 15 new stores coming on line in 2015, there building another warehouse behind our existing RDC and even then it won’t be big enough for volume of work coming this year!

I expect the Harrogate one won’t be opening now. Didn’t really need one anyway - they have enough s/markets. The new Aldi is taking a long time to open ( next to B and Q). PS What does B and Q stand for?

I expect the Harrogate one won’t be opening now. Didn’t really need one anyway - they have enough s/markets. The new Aldi is taking a long time to open ( next to B and Q). PS What does B and Q stand for?

Block and Quayle, the initals of the two founders

Thanks for that prompt info :slight_smile:

The problem is, IMHO, apart from the accounting blunders, is that Tesco doesn’t really have a place anymore.

If you want cheap cheap, you go to Asda.

If you want quality and aren’t too worried about price you go to Waitrose or even M&S

A perception of quality, so so prices you go to Sainsburys.

Morrisons is well priced and has a good range, including lots of chilled choice

Tesco’s? Cheap but does nothing well.

The Coop is so expensive and relies on people who only shop there because the have a divvy card or live close by. It’s really expensive. £3.50 for a block of cheese? Come on.


I wouldn’t get too excited, dozy.

Like gazza said, the vast majority of the shops to shut are Express’s & 40 odd out of 1600+ is bugger all. Out of 1600 convenience shops your bound to have some that don’t hit it off. They would have probably shut them eventually anyway. Plus maybe a couple out of the 7-800 superstores/Extras? It’s nowt.

There will still be many a Tesco store that’ll need servicing for a long time to come, chin up :laughing:

I wasn’t even aware that drivers were being forced to work for tesco! If you fancy driving to farms & forests then go & look for that type of job. Btw it won’t make you any more of a “driver” or any less of a “steering wheel attendant”, that’s all in the mind of people with a small ■■■■■.
You should be careful, those extra drivers looking for work could end up replacing you.

Surely if Tesco are closing 43 stores it’ll mean they’ll be wanting less from farms so there’ll be less farm work? And they won’t be wanting as many pallets so there’ll be less forest work.

With tesco announcing the closure of 43 stores ,the obvious knock on affect of not as big a supply chain needed ,this has got too be positive news ,we can now get away from being just steering wheel attendants ,risk assessments etc and get back to doing proper work ,farms ,forests ,one end of the country too the other ,never knowing where your off the next day ,sounds much more interesting and enjoyable :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Not to me it doesn’t…been there, done that, got the ******** T shirt. :slight_smile:

I wasn’t even aware that drivers were being forced to work for tesco! If you fancy driving to farms & forests then go & look for that type of job. Btw it won’t make you any more of a “driver” or any less of a “steering wheel attendant”, that’s all in the mind of people with a small ■■■■■.
You should be careful, those extra drivers looking for work could end up replacing you.

His user name broken spellchecker and five minute veteran attitude give him away, since when has somebody losing their job been good news.

With tesco announcing the closure of 43 stores ,the obvious knock on affect of not as big a supply chain needed ,this has got too be positive news…

You know what, you might be right. A load of stores shut so however many shop staff and drivers out of work and on the dole. Sounds brilliant Dozy… :unamused:

I feel sorry for Tesco, a good place to shop as they have some real bargains there! :wink: