Supermarket work - whats it like?

I am going to see an agency later, with a view of getting on a temp to perm contract for a local company that have an ALDI contract. Just looking for some info on what to expect really, is supermarket work generally considered ‘good’? Its 4 days on, 2 off, 12 weeks temp to perm, 2 weeks training.

I suppose its like marmite, you either love it or hate it. Some people like being home every day, others hate lugging cages/pallets about. Personally I don’t mind it although I do wish there was a bit more distance work involved. But it’s a full time job doing summat I enjoy. Be aware of tight service yards/busy car parks and general public idiots!

It’s not happening now, the 2 years experience malarkey got in the way, it was worth a punt though, a possibility of some other work, temp to perm coming from the same agency, so as one door closes as they say.