Super Sleeper

Kind of puts the camping stove, Halfords 65L cool box and bunk behind the seats “home from home” into perspective…

*This isnt a dig at trampers btw (Id be tramping if I hadnt gotten married)

Lol at 3min 15 the view out of the cab. Sadiq Khan would be having kittens. :smiley:

Not something I’d personally like to drive or be seen driving.
That being said it is impressive.

That thing us so big, it’d need its own parking space in our trick stops and there have to be plenty if places it can’t get into. Seen quite a few in the US (on video) which are as daft as our places.

Would recommend he does something about the diet or with that belly amd the long hours, he might be taken off the roads before he can afford to pay for the truck / trailer. Unless they team drive.

3:12 WTF is that gear stick all about? :open_mouth: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Would recommend he does something about the diet or with that belly amd the long hours, he might be taken off the roads before he can afford to pay for the truck / trailer. Unless they team drive.

I think he is pretty average for an American. By no means huge.

Mick Bracewell:
3:12 WTF is that gear stick all about? :open_mouth: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Yea, doesnt look very practical.

Mick Bracewell:
3:12 WTF is that gear stick all about? :open_mouth: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Substitute for a small ■■■■■, same as the v8 mob[emoji1787][emoji1787]

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Mick Bracewell:
3:12 WTF is that gear stick all about? :open_mouth: :smiley: [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38] .

Substitute for a small ■■■■■, same as the v8 mob[emoji1787][emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is that why I’ve been given an auto?
No gearstick?
My boss thinks I’m a …never mind…



Mick Bracewell:
3:12 WTF is that gear stick all about? :open_mouth: :smiley: [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38] .

Substitute for a small ■■■■■, same as the v8 mob[emoji1787][emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is that why I’ve been given an auto?
No gearstick?
My boss thinks I’m a …never mind…

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mick Bracewell:
3:12 WTF is that gear stick all about?

Have seen a few like that, but always in bling trucks as if they can’t win the ■■■■■■■ contest for who has biggest truck or most lights, so its who has biggest gear change. Alright (if totally pointless) for long highways, but pain in backside and shoulder for towns.

Seems to be trying to win the bible bashing ■■■■■■■ contest too with the number of crosses in random places, and the “look at me” contest with the magazine cover placed on a shelf… just incase his missus forgets how important he is.

Imagine meeting him in an RDC waiting room! :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Imagine meeting him in an RDC waiting room! :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Imagine getting lumbered with him double manning.

He seems like a polite and nice guy to be honest.

it’s good that he’s built it and not brought it.
I would question why the extra axle to ‘heavy haul’ when the first 4 ft of his trailer is bottles of polish.