Stuttgart Weekend Trip


Friday 17th June 4.35am
Woken up and have a cup of tea then leave home 5am - drive off to Stanstead Airport, Mum drive lift me take there. M25 and M11 went smooth well :smiley:
Arriving Stanstead Airport 5.55am. it is very early cos make sure risk cause traffic in M25 but not this time. Mum drop me off and bye her… heading to Germanwings Airline ( it is newest company from Germany it is cheap same as Easyjet or Ryanair). put one small bag and get ticket - no problem.
My flight begin 8am, i have about 1 and half hours left so i went to Restraunt Garfunkel for breakfast. I order standard english breakfast, orange juice and coffee. it is not bad but dissapiont on english breakfast, it is not good but totalt price £9.15 :open_mouth: :imp: it just only one person!!! bloody expensive but i know cos airport - EXPENSIVE!! :imp:

Get in the plane - no problem, nice seat, i sat on the by window and no one sat next me, it is empty, nice more plenty room for me :smiley:

Arriving Stuttgart Airport - 10.30AM… get off the plane and heading passport Control, German Police are more strictly than our brits police :unamused: NON - EU passport are very fast smooth flow but EU - it is long queues and lots of problem!!! it is odd :confused: we are EU citizen people but NON EU citizen seem more easy enter to Germany :laughing:
Finally Stuttgart Airport is very nice modern building. I heading S-BAHN (underground) and buy ticket by machine, no problem…
Underground train is very clean, new and modern… All German always keep new update and modern! style!! :unamused:

Arriving the Hotel… Nice Hotel - Cheap one person for two night - 87 EUR.
Get a shower cos Germany;s Weather are too HUMID!!! :smiling_imp: awful, lots of sweat!!! :imp:

Leave the luggage bag then off to Tourist Information for buy ticket travel, ask for directions etc…
T Info place, she can write and speak english very good and very helpful not like other germans attuide :laughing: I bought Travel 3 day Ticket for 11.30 EUR include S-BAHN, U-BAHN and Buses.

I went to catch tube for Daimler Chrysler Mercedes Benz Muesum… Arriving the muesum,

it is free charge into muesum but it is small, not bad… dissapiont no mercedes benz trucks in muesum :cry: so information are full german, need english hear tape but no point i am deaf :smiley:
so i stay abt 15 mins then off to BOSCH Warehouse about 35 mins aways from Mercedes Factory, by tube… Unfornatuley BOSCH Sercuity wont me let in thier warehouse for photos of willi betz loading :imp: i told i am come along from England, they nod thier head :smiling_imp: so i look other industrial park, lots of lorries - dutch, german and turkish parking street, i take the photos then return to hotel evening then went to restraunant, i order Spagetti & Bolonge meat cos i cant read german menu so i can see some english then i pick it :laughing: with two beer for 10.80 EUR then went to bed evening.

Woken up morning 7AM, grab a contential breakfast then heading to Train Station for get to Reutlingen Station - leave stuttgart hbf station 8,15am.
Arriving Reutlingen Hbf, One Betz worker stand and holder sign - WILLI BETZ like as taxi driver in airport then i know it is him then i handshake him, he walk to his car and drove to Headquater, it is huge, everywhere of betz trailer on road! then arriving into Warehouse, I am shocking lots fan & collectors of Betz they sat waited for tour guide they beign 9am

230 GUESTS!!! :open_mouth: i am only english person in this place :open_mouth:
Anni, she is my transtlor and guide, she is trainer worker for 3 year in betz office, she writing english very good and better than me :laughing:
Seen nice Megaspace ITALIA in Wash!!

HEADOFFICE where Mr Betz and Son’s office in Top floor and great view but i cant into :cry:

Betz Bulgarians drivers do swap the actros so they have thier thing out and put old shopping trolley and go other actros and put away! I notice thier cab, they go english supermarket TESCO Bags :laughing:

NICE WHITE MEGASPACE austrian, they make one off for white livery.

Nice ITALIA MEGASPACE, he add the spolier light but mr betz dont pay, driver’s money paid for this additional

WAREHOUSE for BOSCH & Diamler Chsytler Store.
Russian plate but double manning bulgarian drivers sat for swap the trailer, i notice BG driver wear trouser - Arsenal Trainer sport trouser :laughing: i say this ARSENAL!!! he laugh! :smiley: all bulgarian drivers dont know what is special day for Betz Fan collecters meeting day, they shocked cos lots people take pic thier truck :laughing:

Lots of Signs for transtle - Bulgarian and German drivers.
some bulgarian work throu weekend for trailer swap but all germans are stay home rest weekend, Willi Betz office told me all bulgarian are not belong willi betz operation, they belong SOMAT AG and Georgian Expedition Agency.

They will sell off, they have wash off the written willi betz, they will sell to eastern european or middle east.
I am in cab lowline actros with VIP Transport Trailer. :smiley:
I went to Willi Betz Shop and bought some things - merchandise and have a lunch - rolls ham and coke cola drink. then until 12.30pm but i stay until 2.30pm for more photos!!! i take about 220 photos all day!!!

I was return home and catch the train, along way to Stuttgart but i saw and take pic it is funny! -
oh yeah it is very big D*** :laughing:
other funny pic - :confused:

Strange car, it is like old fashion car but modern style :wink:

SUNDAY - All day, Relaxing and have a walking around the Stuttgart Stadt(city)
Until 11.00pm nightimeI catch the coach (EUROLINES) to London Victoria but have few stop via Karlsruhe, Leige, Bruxelles then to Eurotunnel then arriving to Victoria Coach Stn 12.40pm monday lunchtime. I am suprise i notice from stuttgart to Calais i seen 8 betz but Folkstone to London, i seen 6 betz!!
same as my dad, he drove from Frankfurt to Calais, he seen 14 betz but Folkstone to Borehamwood, he seen 14 betz!!! :open_mouth: lots betz around in UK than European!!! :open_mouth:

Coach route - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe - Leige, Bruxelles - Calais - London by

A81, A5, A61, A4, A44, A25, along way to boring flatland E40!!!, M20, A20, London!!!. stop Hockenhaming Autobhan serivce (where famous F1 Micheal Schummaer home place, Service shop sell lots of schummaer merchandise) and stop Aachen Windmill Service, it is crowd of foreign lorries but tiny service shop! :open_mouth: and outside bruxelles E40 = small quiet TOTAL Petrol and Parking only.
I am shocking Belgium’s motorway are very strange I have seen, it is LONG STRECTH STRAIGHT, repeat scenery, no different landscape!! - worse than M1 and i notice all drivers boring out instead reading mags, newspaper and TV on when they driving !!! :open_mouth: I can’t blame cos Belgium Motorway! you know! :laughing: also i been passd the belgium ring road, it is awful it is traffic jam in 6am!!! not yet rush hours!, :open_mouth: other side it is very bad!!! about 8 km tailback heading bruxelles in E40.

I am enjoying the weekend!!! :smiley:

Good read Betz :slight_smile: .

Nice tale there, good pictures…well done

Glad you had a nice time Ben,nice read and some good photo’s. :wink: :wink:

nice read and pictures Betz

A most enjoyable read, Sounds like you had fun!

:smiley: Ta for read and pics. Red bull car :arrow_right: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Great read and nice pics Betz, good to see you enjoyed your trip.
That Megaspace with the lights looks smart, makes a change from the norm, do you think he double mans aswell, or dont the Italiens do that.
I was surprised to see it, i assumed they wansnt allowed to customise the lorries, but makes it stand out from the rest.

:slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

NICE PIC,S OF WILL,S TRANSPORT BUT I THINK YOU NEED A ROOM WITH BETZ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Good read Betz and pic’s :smiley:

well done ben good for you taking yourself off on a trip like that all the way to germany you get the thumbs up.
i bet those betz drivers got the shock of their lives with all you taking pics and asking questions.
i should imagine you have a full book now with your numbers.
that italian betz looked good.
why do the drivers have to change unitsâ– â– ? are they getting new wagons or are they being shifted to be awarkward.

Well done Ben,nice to see you had a good time in ze Fatherland.

As you can see,Mr Betz is into all kinds of haulage.

I often see driver’s changing trucks at Eupen,why I don’t know.But they are often throwing their Aldi bags from one cab to another,but it seems it’s only the Bulgarian driver’s who do it.

Our driver’s who now have the new Merc’s have been told that as soon as the truck has done 5000km,they can do what they want to it.
Some driver’s are going to put extra lights on etc.
Me,I’ll stick a Volvo badge on the front when I get it :wink:

Very interesting read Ben, plenty of excellent pictures too.

Glad you enjoyed yourself and thanks for posting your trip.


:smiley: Excellent journal and pictures,Ben.

Thanks. :sunglasses:

nice read ben :smiley:

Excellent Ben, I enjoyed reading that.

Great read and great pics Betz

Nice read Ben, Glad you enjoyed your trip.

Well done on doing such a trip alone, Ben!!
Enjoyed looking at the pics and reading of your exploits

good on yer ben - made it at last then.
did you find the betz premises at reutlingen matched the pictures and map i sent you?
very big place isn’t it?
perhaps they should rename reutlingen - willi betz heim or something similar - perhaps bad willi betz would be more suitable if you beleived everything said about them.

good journal ben.