Stupid stuck up cow

We do a lot of p-ups in narrow roads in small French villages, most, if not all the locals know were there to move their goods out and bring in their revenue. Rarely any problems, just an occasional 75 plate (Parisian) or maybe Brit holidaymaker or holiday home owner making waves. Mostly a smile and polite request gets an obstruction shifted. If were blocking the road we`re doing it for a reason, not sightseeing, and are normally accepted. But then, most people working in these areas seem less stressed generally, and less confrontational.


Anyone would think that these toffee-nosed twits that move to the country - don’t realize there’s a bloody lot of farms that are in the countryside too. :unamused:

You’ll be telling me they have animals in the country next :open_mouth:

& ■■■■■ !


In situations like this it’s all about your attitude :wink: I come across situations like this often enough and a polite disarming attitude cools things easily. Blaming the company who ordered the stuff and assured us that this route was the correct one and would be large enough for a wagon of this size quickly shifts the anger off you and onto them. Leaving the moaner with a feeling of sympathy toward the poor hard working driver, who is clearly sympathetic to their objections, but clearly trying to do his job as best he can with unreliable information beyond his control. :wink:

That attitude has netted me a free coffee more than once and left me enjoying a cigarette while the good folks of the village endeavour to help clear a path for the poor wagon driver. :laughing:

Eric Rambler:
I hate the public

You are the public?

people are all too keen to move when there’s a large truck likely to hit their precious motor.

I had a BMW driver actually sprint out of a place and move his motor when I did a 3 point turn on a trading estate once. There were cars abandoned everywhere but it wasn’t the hardest manoeuvre I’ve ever had to do, just a little bit iffy. I tried telling him my wheels had already pivoted around his car and I couldn’t hit his precious Beemer now even if I wanted to but he was having none of it and moved it.

Terry T:
I had a BMW driver actually sprint out of a place and move his motor when I did a 3 point turn on a trading estate once. There were cars abandoned everywhere but it wasn’t the hardest manoeuvre I’ve ever had to do, just a little bit iffy. I tried telling him my wheels had already pivoted around his car and I couldn’t hit his precious Beemer now even if I wanted to but he was having none of it and moved it.

Not picking on BMW drivers as this story is just a coincidense but I was negotiating a rigid down a street with parked cars on both sides when I came to an X5 that was out from the kerb meaning it was tight to get past. My drivers mate was in front watching both sides and this guy flew out his house and starting going on about watching his car and we better not scratch it.
It apparently didnt dawn on him that it might be a better idea to bring his keys and actually move it!

People will park wherever they please it seems, and leave everyone else to deal with their laziness. Truckers can be just as bad, as rather than pull up in the lorry park and stretch their legs with a little stroll, a lot of fat lazy truckers will pull up near the fuel pumps to pop in the shop to buy another 10 yorkie bars…

No wonder they are normally fat [zb]'s :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: