Here’s a cut and paste from an email I just sent a friend who asked me how my new job was going…
It’s a long old day with these people 6.30am til whenever you finish (up til about 6.30pm). Yesterday was pretty ordinary I drove, with another of their drivers sitting in and showing me the ropes, but today was a farce. I was out with another of their drivers, a moronic kid who’s had his HGV less time than I have (and that ain’t long) and had no previous driving experience of any kind. He was driving and it was pretty rural. He tried to turn round down a quiet, narrow lane and went up on the grass. As he did this I exclaimed “You’re brave, taking this (18 tonner) on the green stuff” and then we sunk 10 inches into the mud and had to wait 3 1/2 hours to be pulled out by a wrecker truck. An old farmer did try to get us out to begin with, with his knackered old tractor, but that didn’t do anything. I thought it was all rather funny as this [zb] had been bombing round like a loony and generally ‘giving it the big one’ all morning. Pride comes before a fall. I drove back and showed him the meaning of the phrase ‘speed limit’ and how to not land yourself in a world of [zb]. This guy learnt with the same people I did! He also told me he’d put his car in a ditch once, if he don’t slow down he’s gonna put a truck in a ditch too soon.
I’ll be fair anybody could be unlucky, make a little mistake and get stuck, it was a tight place to turn and stay on the road, dead end too, even though this was asking for it by pulling the whole bloody thing, all four wheels straight on to the grass. It was just the way he thought he knew it all that made it all so ironic.
I could go on and on, but the single most irritating thing was the way he seemed to think he had some god given right of way, cursing at wagons coming the other way for ‘not being over far enough’ when they were fine and it was the fact he had a lead foot that was the problem.
He professed to be totally into trucks and wanting to be a driver, he’s got his lorry all polished and washed, his ‘truck and driver’ wallet and his little nameplate with his nickname in the window. But I think his attitude needs a big adjustment if he does.
I’m pretty ■■■■■■■ speechless after seeing him. All bloody show. I think I’m a little bit too big for my boots sometimes but I’ve got nothing on this.
Andy, I reckon he was bombing round all day so he could get home early and stick his Norwich season ticket on ebay before it lost anymore money on it
Saying that looks like the Tractor Boys WILL STILL be staying put next season.
think thats a lesson we all learn one way or another, trucks are for tarmac not offroading, when i used to do hiab deliveries to sites, if i asked to pull on to unload the first thing i’d ask in rely was “what you got to pull me out if i get stuck?” if the answer was nothing, i didn’t go on, simply as that! i learned this after getting stuck a couple of times trying to get stuff where people wanted it, now i won’t put a wheel on the grass even down a tight lane when somethings trying to pass, it’s alot easier pushing a car than it is several tonnes of wagon.
I’ve worked with two people who have put vehicles on their side after putting wheels onto the verge to let others get by on narrow roads.
Me, so far I’ve been lucky , got the back wheels of a bus stuck for a few minutes , about 15 - 20, in a plough furrow turning round in a field entrance, I had to pile stones in & use a stick to brake the edge of the furrow down to get myself out . I got a tipper bogged down on one side but managed to tip safely & then get myself out. I also demolished a little bridge that gave access to a new build whilst delivering sand but I’ve never had any real problems.
Other people have & as a result of me , but thats another story.