Struggling with corners

Currently day 3 of my class 1 training and today was probably the worst day for me. When making left turns that are tight I keep mounting the kerb with my trailer. My trainer has showed me the turns and explained how to handle them properly but when it comes to doing it on my own I’m constantly misjudging the turns. My trainer has told me that I’m either going too fast, hooking in too early or both.

I know it will come with practice but to be honest I don’t have much time left with my test being on Friday. Everything else in doing fine with its just corners. Does anyone have any tips?

Slow down and turn later !

Your trainer has given you the standard advice. Speed on approach is a common fault and easily solved. Slow the thing down! Unless you approach at an inappropriate snail’s pace this wont be an issue on test.

Slowing down on the approach has the huge benefit of giving you time to study the junction - and this you must do. Again, a common fault. Unless the junction is huge with lovely falling away kerbs, you must get some room from somewhere. Often the lane is the width of the truck, or only a touch more. So look to see where you’ll get some room. It may be available straight ahead in which case you may be able to stay in your own lane. If there’s no room ahead, you need it on the approach. So take it and don’t be shy.

But hammering up to the junction deprives you of the opportunity to have a good look at the turn and this will often end badly.

Many folks on here have heard my advice “make the unit go the long way around”. So it’s clear you need the time to work out how to apply that on each turn. Not only will you need to take the space, steer at the last moment, but then you must steer it back otherwise you’ll simply drag the trailer into the kerb.

You’ve done 3 days; long enough to get complacent and start making daft mistakes. Wind yourself back to day one and concentrate on the basics of steering.

There’s time to get it right.

All the best with it, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Follow your wheels in the mirror, you will.see when they start cutting in.
Also don’t be afraid to take as much space as you need. You can use your curbside/cleavage mirror to see how close your front is to parked cars/obstacles

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Today was much better. If I can replicate today’s drive on my test tomorrow then I should be fine. One thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to be a lot better in the afternoon vs 9am in the mornings. I do eat breakfast and have coffee before training so fatigue isn’t really an excuse… Any ideas?

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Today was much better. If I can replicate today’s drive on my test tomorrow then I should be fine. One thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to be a lot better in the afternoon vs 9am in the mornings. I do eat breakfast and have coffee before training so fatigue isn’t really an excuse… Any ideas?

School run

You will be fine. For some reason 3rd day is usually the worst.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Today was much better. If I can replicate today’s drive on my test tomorrow then I should be fine. One thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to be a lot better in the afternoon vs 9am in the mornings. I do eat breakfast and have coffee before training so fatigue isn’t really an excuse… Any ideas?

Despite breakfast and tea I’m always a little foggy of a morning. Think it just takes my body a while to get going properly.

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Test was today at 10am, had a warm up drive with no issues, done two reverses that were my best all week. Perfectly straight. Then went over the uncoupling recouple procedure again with no issues.

So… Went out on test and done what I hadn’t done all week and hit the B cone during reverse. The examiner asked if I wanted to continue so I said yes for the experience.

I finished the reverse, done my uncouple then recoupled and went out on my drive. The route I was on was the worst for corners and I never hit a single one.

Got back to the yard and was given a debrief by the examiner. He told me the obvious that I had failed with 8 minors. 2 for moving off safely and use of mirrors when changing direction, a fault for speed, steering, turning left and response to traffic lights.

Things to improve on but that would just be my luck to struggle all week on corners but to only fail on the reverse which I breezed all week. For me, things only clicked yesterday as my driving improved dramatically and it was all down to keeping my speed down as you have all said.

You will crack it, just a matter of time. It’s not even a hard test just easy to fail on for silly mistakes.