Strathclyde Truck Show Pics part 3

Last lot…

A chinese 6 ERF

Not really a glamourous scanny but it caught my eye, dont fancy the front overhang though.

For the Atki fans. :wink:

and thats the lot. Course I may have to go back tomorrow for more. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Quality pictures, well done.

Good pics :smiley:

Fantastic pics there mate. :slight_smile:

ex wj herron 143 !! proper Motor ! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: born n Bread in N.Ireland :sunglasses:

Thanks,greta pictures.
regards derek


ex wj herron 143 !! proper Motor ! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: born n Bread in N.Ireland :sunglasses:

yea but looks ten times better with scotland on visor :smiley:

Nice livery , herons is a bit plain and original but the livery thats on it now is great ,
but thats just my opinion
Nice pic mate :smiley:

haha it does not ! it belongs back home here !! :smiling_imp:

Is that wht it was sold lol :smiley: