Strange Things you've seen Whilst Delivering

How big was the lady of the house?
Looks like someone has used nut crackers on it though.

is it made from hardwood?

Obvious that a prick lives there.

i’ve delivered to bigger pricks.

I am a bigger prick…

Oh, hang on…

Forget it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As James May from Top Gear would say… oh ■■■■.

Weve had bigger than that in here driver :neutral_face:

Just reverse on and couple up drive…

Now where would that fit on a blinged up Scania. :laughing:

Now where would that fit on a blinged up Scania. :laughing:

The drivers seat! :laughing:

what a ■■■■, :smiley: changing subject slightly can you imagine the poor bloke who delivered it to em what would you say at the door i have a large ■■■■ for you luv? :laughing:


Now where would that fit on a blinged up Scania. :laughing:

The drivers seat! :laughing:

On the drivers fivehead ? :laughing:

Putting a condom on that would get you an NVQ in roping and sheeting…

Muckaway have you been delivering to Elton John’s house again?

It was certainly big enough to be owned by him!

Looks kinda Jewish if you ask me. :wink:

own up !!

Who erected that there :question:


I don’t get it, ain’t they all that size then? :laughing: :laughing:

Bet the guy that owns this drives a jag. What a knob!