Strange thing came thru the post today!

It was from the T.A Royal Logistics Corps, well as i havent applied for them, and only got my LGV2 licence 5 weeks ago, im just wondering how they came to send me an enlistment form through the post? i have to goto Grantham, Lincs for a weekend and they will train me (If i join up) to all classes of vehicles? seeing as im 30 and spare time on my hands im thinking of giving it a go, just strange that they would send me a form out, and an invitation?

anyone else had this?

I think they call them Call Up Papers :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a one way ticket to Iraq with them?

god knows, i used to be in the T.A in 93 only for a few months, then i travelled around australia, but since i passed my test i keep getting offers from RLC and yomenry centres?

ah well will have to check it out, the sgt gave me his number aswell, so ill give him a bell and see whats goin on
but at least ill get my licences out of it, all i need is my class 1, AT FLT Licences, HAZchem/Hazmat? and my motorcycle licence, not much to ask for really,lol :laughing:

oooo that’ll be press gangs, they catch you when you fall out of the pub and sign you up :laughing:

I suspect they’re probably just using a mailing list. If you’ve put your name to anything and mentioned you have an LGV pass, same as when buy anything online it asks if you want to hear about future offers etc etc

Say you bought a hazard perception CD-ROM and registered it with Focus they probably sell on the info.

odd really - when i got my provisional c added to my license it came back with various military entitlements attatched - the nearest i’ve ever got to service is a few months with the army cadets a long long time ago - their records dont go that far back do they - im a bit old and past it now :smiley:

They make you do running in the TA’s … Even if you go in as a driver! :open_mouth:
*T. opposes any form of physical activity -apart from the obvious! :wink: *

bloody hell i was a regular in the kings own black and deckers ,no seriously 1st royal green jackets … and i hated any form of physical activity there again i was a musician 10 yrs but the pace we marched at was like bloody running anyhow