storm brewing

Can CPC module 4 be cancelled due to bad weather. I wouldn’t think so but thought someone might know. Thanks.

It will not be cancelled due to bad weather. A couple of years ago when the Chelmsford test centre had 12 inches of snow on the reversing area the Mod 4 tests all went ahead.

It will not be cancelled due to bad weather. A couple of years ago when the Chelmsford test centre had 12 inches of snow on the reversing area the Mod 4 tests all went ahead.

Thanks lgv t. I thought as glad coz I want this test out the way .

As John said, Mod 4 is weatherproof! We had some after Christmas in snow.

All the best with it. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
As John said, Mod 4 is weatherproof! We had some after Christmas in snow.

All the best with it. Pete :laughing: :laughing:
