The trailer was stolen from Thorne industrial area Jct 6 of M18 yesterday morning. We have now seen on cctv - a white 4x2 unit go onto the estate at 0528 and leave with the trailer at 0533 It is a blue TIP montracon curtainsider with a white headboard and back doors. Trailer number 160324. If anyone sees it anywhere or hears anything about it could they please contact us on here or or call S Yorks police. Any info greatly apprieciated. Thank you

This post would be seen by more readers in the professional drivers subforum.
A mod might move it. :laughing:
Many of us know what this trailer will (or, more likely, did) look like, but a pic is always good, even if its not the actual trailer.

Like this, but newer I guess?

This post would be seen by more readers in the professional drivers subforum.
A mod might move it. :laughing:

the OP has already posted it there :wink:

Oh. :open_mouth: