Hi has anyone done tesco in livingston.im looking to see how long the average shift is and how many drops.cheers for any info
Depends what your doing. The guys doing the trains do about 5 boxes a night sometimes direct deliveries. And the store work you’ll never know, sometimes do 5 local, 2 or 3 splits or 1 nice long one. One of the guys I used to work next to moved to stobarts working out of Tesco and he says its great.
Thanks jossk
One of the guys I used to work next to moved to stobarts working out of Tesco and he says its great.
One of the guys I used to work next to moved to stobarts working out of Tesco and he says its great.
am I missing something?
Whats worse co op or tesco work
I could only imagine that coop is worse.but I’ve never done any work for them. Tesco is an easy life your paperwork comes with a map and directions and risk assesment just follow it and you can’t go wrong.