stobarts in a bit of bother

Own Account Driver:
If you’d told me you were a limper, at the start, I could have saved reading the rest of the ‘limpers like finding trivial reasons to avoid work’ shock newsflash.

I blame the full time employed Lemmings, if they’re to dumb to be bossed about by a scrawny pencil necked youth then more fool them. I seen full time employed blokes on speaker phone in yards actually fearful of these desk planners.
Learn to say “No” or at least grow a spine. Why live in fear if transport planner all your lives?

I blame the full time employed Lemmings, if they’re to dumb to be bossed about by a scrawny pencil necked youth then more fool them. I seen full time employed blokes on speaker phone in yards actually fearful of these desk planners.
Learn to say “No” or at least grow a spine. Why live in fear if transport planner all your lives?

This. I was on agency at one place which did tilts from Hull docks. Waited ages for my trailer to come off the boat, did the delivery and phoned up when I was tipped find out if there was a collection. By this time I’d been at work 10hrs and not had a break. I got told by the traffic office I couldn’t have a break, had to get the collection and get straight back as the trailer had to be on that nights ship and if I did have a break then it wouldn’t make it. I did what perma-drivers quite clearly didn’t do at that company and told them I was having one and if it didn’t make it onto the boat that night then that was their problem, not mine. Instantly they decided that it actually wasn’t an issue and they could just send it the following day but it gave me an insight to how the perma-drivers at their spot got treated.


I blame the full time employed Lemmings, if they’re to dumb to be bossed about by a scrawny pencil necked youth then more fool them. I seen full time employed blokes on speaker phone in yards actually fearful of these desk planners.
Learn to say “No” or at least grow a spine. Why live in fear if transport planner all your lives?

This. I was on agency at one place which did tilts from Hull docks. Waited ages for my trailer to come off the boat, did the delivery and phoned up when I was tipped find out if there was a collection. By this time I’d been at work 10hrs and not had a break. I got told by the traffic office I couldn’t have a break, had to get the collection and get straight back as the trailer had to be on that nights ship and if I did have a break then it wouldn’t make it. I did what perma-drivers quite clearly didn’t do at that company and told them I was having one and if it didn’t make it onto the boat that night then that was their problem, not mine. Instantly they decided that it actually wasn’t an issue and they could just send it the following day but it gave me an insight to how the perma-drivers at their spot got treated.

Don’t judge all full time drivers on what you have probably witnessed chaps. :bulb:
Speaking as a full timer, any driver that succumbs to pressure and/or attempted bullying, knowing that it is illegal in terms of drivers hours regs, deserve all the ■■■■ that comes down around their lugs.
It is not the responsibility to make allowances and sacrifices, AND more importantly risk their licences…and in some cases their freedom, to counteract the results and effects of ■■■■ poor planning and planners, some of which actually plan for the drivers to do this. :open_mouth:

So grow a pair of knackers and tell them to go and ■■■■ themselves :bulb: if they still threaten you, then tell them to send you a txt with said dodgy instructions, (so you have a record of such)…and then ignore it!

I know I am wasting my tapping finger wear here, as telling most drivers to stick up for themselves is like telling them to stop breathing ffs :unamused:

Wish could find an e image of the original Stobart founder they have as a giant mural i think up at Carlisle,an old whiskery dude with a barrow containing braces of veg,rabbits and pheasents etc,absolutely wonderful.

They have always been at it…Remember 1992 had depot southbound on A1…Peterborough… VOSA went in confiscated 2000 tachographs…and then the depot shut…let’s not forget how Stobarts began…leopard never changes its spots…traffic instead of planning you for 12 hr day…plan you for 15…

Perhaps we will start seeing them in checkpoints now.


Own Account Driver:
If you’d told me you were a limper, at the start, I could have saved reading the rest of the ‘limpers like finding trivial reasons to avoid work’ shock newsflash.

I blame the full time employed Lemmings, if they’re to dumb to be bossed about by a scrawny pencil necked youth then more fool them. I seen full time employed blokes on speaker phone in yards actually fearful of these desk planners.
Learn to say “No” or at least grow a spine. Why live in fear if transport planner all your lives?

The jealous rage of an agency man rears its ugly head once more.





Own Account Driver:
If you’d told me you were a limper, at the start, I could have saved reading the rest of the ‘limpers like finding trivial reasons to avoid work’ shock newsflash.

I blame the full time employed Lemmings, if they’re to dumb to be bossed about by a scrawny pencil necked youth then more fool them. I seen full time employed blokes on speaker phone in yards actually fearful of these desk planners.
Learn to say “No” or at least grow a spine. Why live in fear if transport planner all your lives?

The jealous rage of an agency man rears its ugly head once more.



Maybe so, but he is right. This has got absolutely ■■■■ all to do with FTD v Agency, and/or avoiding work. All that crap is getting boring on here now.
We are ALL drivers as I keep saying!

You get drivers belly aching and moaning on here, about not being looked on as professionals, wtf do they expect when they are ready to break the law at the drop of a hat, because (in whiny voice) ‘‘The boss told me’’ …ffs :unamused:

Read some of dozy’s posts for eg… ok not all to be taken seriously, but he is an employee of those lot. He has said in the past that they run him ragged, planning him to the point he is driving up to the last ■■■■ minute before he finds a proper park, and ends up parking in a ■■■■ hole of a lay by.

Maybe this is normal to some on here, Stobart and otherwise, as for me I would not stick the job for 5 mins if that was the norm, as it is for some.

Some of you softy suverners don’t know what being run ragged means, try working for some of the fish carriers from the top o Scotland, then you would soon learn what it means :unamused: :wink:

It doesn’t help, :grimacing: by drivers ( in the loosest term ) taking their cards out! :unamused: and driving back to the yard! :laughing: and I’m not on about less than thirty mins either! :smiley: I know trampers at Appleplop, Trafford park and chelford who are still doing it! Lol :sunglasses: I knew it would come back you bite them on their articles :open_mouth: drivers? :bulb:

I know this is going off topic here, but Ive gotta pick up "chester" on one point tho "Fiddling a bit of tax is not exactly putting innocent lives at risk now is it! However exceeding drivers hours and taking 26tons loads restrained with two internal straps in a regular curtainsider is!" Seems to me that fiddling a bit of tax, to the tune of several hundreds of millions of pounds, is going to cost innocent lives in medical and other care that cash strapped hospitals etc cant provide. Tax evasion and avoidance may not show a dramatic picture of kid on a bike lying crushed under a load shot through a side sheet; but victims of underfunding are just as dead, although not often so high profile.
I`m not accusing “chester” of anything other than using a really bad example.

It’ll be the flipflops as they all live on the Eastern side of the country. You won’t find an English driver at Goole and Teesport is probably just as bad. They haven’t got a clue about driver hours or running legal so will do whatever the planners til them.

I know this is going off topic here, but I`ve gotta pick up “chester” on one point tho
“Fiddling a bit of tax is not exactly putting innocent lives at risk now is it!
However exceeding drivers hours and taking 26tons loads restrained with two internal straps in a regular curtainsider is!”

Seems to me that fiddling a bit of tax, to the tune of several hundreds of millions of pounds, is going to cost innocent lives in medical and other care that cash strapped hospitals etc cant provide. Tax evasion and avoidance may not show a dramatic picture of kid on a bike lying crushed under a load shot through a side sheet; but victims of underfunding are just as dead, although not often so high profile. Im not accusing “chester” of anything other than using a really bad example.

Hell fire, of course you can pick me up when you go off topic start comparing my quotes to other industry’s and sectors.
Keep my quotes to within the realms of the transport industry.
So try again :unamused:


I know this is going off topic here, but I`ve gotta pick up “chester” on one point tho
“Fiddling a bit of tax is not exactly putting innocent lives at risk now is it!
However exceeding drivers hours and taking 26tons loads restrained with two internal straps in a regular curtainsider is!”

Seems to me that fiddling a bit of tax, to the tune of several hundreds of millions of pounds, is going to cost innocent lives in medical and other care that cash strapped hospitals etc cant provide. Tax evasion and avoidance may not show a dramatic picture of kid on a bike lying crushed under a load shot through a side sheet; but victims of underfunding are just as dead, although not often so high profile. Im not accusing “chester” of anything other than using a really bad example.

Hell fire, of course you can pick me up when you go off topic start comparing my quotes to other industry’s and sectors.
Keep my quotes to within the realms of the transport industry.
So try again :unamused:

I might start picking holes in posts on here by comparing haulage to deep space exploration.

Nice to see one of the big boys treated like everyone else. Losing 50 trucks will mess them up a fair bit no doubt.

No , it will just mean the trucks / drivers left will be pushed harder to make up the shortfall !!!, so defeats the whole point really :unamused:

Seems to me that fiddling a bit of tax, to the tune of several hundreds of millions of pounds, is going to cost innocent lives in medical and other care that cash strapped hospitals etc can`t provide. Tax evasion and avoidance may not show a dramatic picture of kid on a bike lying crushed under a load shot through a side sheet; but victims of underfunding are just as dead, although not often so high profile.

Oh please spare me the violins.
“Oh tax fiddling is stopping us hiring nurses, building hospitals, building schools and hiring teachers”
Birthday card pish
Any extra money the government got in tax than what they rake in now would disappear overseas in “aid”, to mps expenses or to the usual wastes our esteemed leaders spend all our tax money on and anyone who thinks they would plough that into the NHS or the education budget is deluded.


Before i joined this forum i already had a low opinion of Stobarts and what i have seen and heard confirms what i thought

Just my personal opinion mind but i would rather play the banjo on a street corner than work for Stobarts

Good idea ! George Formby earned a fortune doing just that :slight_smile:

Er, I thought he earned his fortune cleaning windows.


So I expect Beverly Bell would take this into consideration :unamused:

Did you actually click on the link or not? Beverley Bell has nothing to do with this case. The hint is when they mention Kevin Rooney.

What’s more worrying is there was 15 actual drivers willing to break the law for the pittance they pay.

Does anyone know how much they actually pay? I’ve always wanted to drive on of their trucks, and the uniform!!


What’s more worrying is there was 15 actual drivers willing to break the law for the pittance they pay.

Does anyone know how much they actually pay? I’ve always wanted to drive on of their trucks, and the uniform
I got tipped late Friday and ran in yesterday morning , started 5 am and after running in and cleaning truck booked off 7.50( debrief bloke did check my work and confirmed I had no more work planned on me ) , so think yesterday was abt £40 p.h !!!
As for uniform I wore a black jacket , black trousers , black boots and blue / brown Fred Perry !!!( oh and black boxers / socks )
Nb I would expect there to be questions on mon abt the 3 hrs ( I think they thought id not get tipped until sat am/ pm) but sometimes , rarely the job goes for you :wink: .