Stobart Trucks, Trains & Planes

Second episode is on. :neutral_face:

how has this post been written from the future. i got the time at 8.39 and this post was written at 9.09!!! wtf

get a life ffs

Says 8.08 on my screen :laughing:

Some one hasnt reset their forum clock :laughing:

how has this post been written from the future. i got the time at 8.39 and this post was written at 9.09!!! wtf

You need to set the correct time for the board

Go to User Control Panel near the top left, Board preferences tab then scroll down to My Timezone, set it as {UTC} Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time

its the computer clock that says it (8.56 now) double checked it with iphone too…confused lol

aaah i see whats happened, the forum clock needs putting back. sorry guys, been a long day :smiley:

Clashes with Children in Need.
Much more important.

Don’t spoil it guys, I’m away tonight so I’ve gotta watch it on catch up tomorrow. Ooh how I love the green army!! There so perfect. I wish one day I could pull on that smart pressed shirt and drive such a fine rig delivering to toscos. But hey I’ll have to stick where Iam for now :frowning:

It’s the faux rock music that makes it cringy.

Thank god I missed it ! :smiley:

Watching Stobarts on TV your not serious,surely you could find a better program to have a laugh at.
Done more miles in reverse than some of them posers

I find it strangely addictive, the commentator really adds to the drama but I think he is now being a bit tongue in cheek: “Tackling Britains toughest roads- que tricky wide garden centre passage”

I’d love to know what happened on that night out that needed a shower at the start of the day, surely wet wipes can cover most eventualities short term.

Bit of a cliffhanger for next week as we where left salivating at the prospect of seeing what happens when an Eddie tackles a coach joining off the slip road, we know which one has right of way but who will make the biggest meal of it…

Done more miles in reverse than some of them posers

A bit more practice and I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.


Done more miles in reverse than some of them posers

A bit more practice and I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.




Done more miles in reverse than some of them posers

A bit more practice and I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.


I love these stobart bashing threads, I bet half of the people slating them would work for them if offered a job if they needed one.

I also think the way the drivers are treated on the road by fellow professional drivers is a joke ive seen stobart lorry’s been cut up, not being flashed in or not letting them in by speeding up.

I for one would quite happily take a job if the offered me one in fact ill be applying if they have any openings next year.

I would happily work for them, although they are now a bit high profile I have no issues with that, the program itself is more of a parody/advertising campaign no doubt funded by Stobarts themselves and although we can see the comedy value the average member of the public gets a good albeit sometimes over dramatic insight into truck driving.

Sometimes I wonder if its an advertising campaign for drivers as there must be people watching thinking ‘I would love to do that’.

Think they are always hiring so try their website for an opening in your area, I might be putting my name down next year.

I would happily work for them, although they are now a bit high profile I have no issues with that, the program itself is more of a parody/advertising campaign no doubt funded by Stobarts themselves and although we can see the comedy value the average member of the public gets a good albeit sometimes over dramatic insight into truck driving.

Sometimes I wonder if its an advertising campaign for drivers as there must be people watching thinking ‘I would love to do that’.

Think they are always hiring so try their website for an opening in your area, I might be putting my name down next year.[/quote

They had jobs for the biomass in Swindon but as im not looking to do nights out till next year I haven’t yet applied, aswell they have 10×jobs for car transporters in Southampton.

They like you to live 40mins from the depot so I think I’m out of luck anyway lol.

Ive applied before, I would again. People complain about them being £7p/h and all that rubbish but at the end of the day they mainly do things right, they provide semi decent kit and they are almost too big to fail. Its as safe a job as you will find in this business I think.