Stobart , Nights

Hi has anyone ran out of Carlisle on nights ? Any good ?

Of course it’s good, it’s Eddie Stobart [emoji16]

Your getting very cynical these days Pimp.

Your getting very cynical these days Pimp.

Im a happy person, leave me alone[emoji16]

Did a bit of agency on nights with them a while ago.
Had to fill out agency sheet every shift, liscence details etc and get cards copied. Seemed a bit ott doing it every night.
Work was easy though. Get a unit. Get a trailer, take it some where and ring when your done. Usually did tescos or asda up north or collecting coke from wakie. Occasionally swap a trailer in services to double run somewhere.
No idea if full timers get it any different but mainly left to get on with the job with over generous times planned.

but mainly left to get on with the job with over generous times planned.

Hahaha not like our place then?? One end of the country to the other in 3 hours drive!!

Really?? That isn’t gunna happen!!!

Do what you can and let us know how you get on!!!

(Exaggeration but you get the point!!)

You also get about 3 calls in a half hour period off 3 different people asking for your arrival/departure times from each job that day!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:

harley bob:
Hi has anyone ran out of Carlisle on nights ? Any good ?

Yes they walked in saw it was and RAN out


but mainly left to get on with the job with over generous times planned.

Hahaha not like our place then?? One end of the country to the other in 3 hours drive!!

Really?? That isn’t gunna happen!!!

Do what you can and let us know how you get on!!!

(Exaggeration but you get the point!!)

You also get about 3 calls in a half hour period off 3 different people asking for your arrival/departure times from each job that day!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused:

i did a cpl of years for a mob which the normal work was,from bellshill in the morning,run up the east coast loading fish ,aberdeen,montrose etc,run back down in the evening then fillout in bellshill for bolougne fish market for a 4 a.m delivery (several drops) washout,reload fruit from antwerp etc during the day,then heavy pedal back through the night to whatever fruit market for delivery asap the next morn…the limiters were disconected,and wired to the moon,not 1 night did i get as far south as hilton park without the agent in bolougne phoning me to inform me that i was running late and to get a move on…every single night,…i think it was his betime routine…put out the cat,cup of horlics,hot water bottle,alarm set for 4.a.m…and phone the truck on route to tell him that he is late and to hurry up…every single morning it was the same after tipping,as soon as someone woke up in the office,it was,where are you…heavy pedal,your cutting it neat for time…
working for norfolkline,then theres four or 5 fannys sitting at the same big desk next to each other…the 4 of them can phone you within 1 hour asking where you are and how your doing,then they wonder why your abrupt with them. :unamused:

harley bob:
Hi has anyone ran out of Carlisle on nights ? Any good ?

Must be decent. I heard Steven Little left Lawsons of Cockermouth to go there.

harley bob:
Hi has anyone ran out of Carlisle on nights ? Any good ?

Yes , I go in and fill up , can vouch for pumps ,never a problem

I did agency work for a local depot a few years ago and the night men were all run by Carlisle, work was always steady, quite regular and never rushed or pushed, they were good lads in the office up there, ex drivers who still did a bit now and then so knew the job well.