Stobart info...

Does anyone know the make and model number of the inverters stobart fit to their trucks. I’ve been given a new one and it hasn’t got a microwave like my current truck. Their inverters seem to be man enough to power everything i want so i thought it was a good place to start

Only a few wagons are fitted with inverters. Us lesser beings have to buy our own!

Does anyone know the make and model number of the inverters stobart fit to their trucks. I’ve been given a new one and it hasn’t got a microwave like my current truck. Their inverters seem to be man enough to power everything i want so i thought it was a good place to start

Send the truck back then…Not fit for purpose!

Coltons bloody skinflints …

Send the truck back then…Not fit for purpose!


When I worked for them it was a “ring 2100”