Stobart european aveley

Morning got a mate whos applied for a job with these doing walking floors i think said id ask on here if anyone works there? Is there a lot of european work ? Cheers

If its walking floors then I presume it’ll be the Biomass?

Dont really know mate he just said its on a walking floor doing europe thought there might be someone on here who could give him heads up?

They do Belgium a lot, no idea from what depot, but a friend left Plevins and went there and is doing Belgium and back. Not really European as in driving across Europe, just nipping in and out.
He seemed happy there when we last spoke.

They do Belgium a lot, no idea from what depot, but a friend left Plevins and went there and is doing Belgium and back. Not really European as in driving across Europe, just nipping in and out.
He seemed happy there when we last spoke.

Cheers for that reckon that would get pretty boring just doing belgium and back

I believe that the biomas subsidies will be reduced or done away with alltogether quite soon.
Just worth looking at before jumping ship.

Aveley eh? Time was when the locals would have burned the gaff down if an outsider moved in :laughing: