Stobart & Egertons move into farming

Look they`ve grown a wagon & drag in that field :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is this the latest way to plough a field
now adays. :smiley:

how did you take both pics, one going up and one coming down. did you do a flip to rubberneck twice :smiley:

Sorry boss, the tomtom said “bear left”


Isn’t that one of the Euro drags?


A nice publicity shot for both companies :stuck_out_tongue:

how did you take both pics, one going up and one coming down. did you do a flip to rubberneck twice :smiley:

trust me,if you knew the job this man has,youd understand why hes been to a drop,tipped n on his way home again!b4 truck recovered,in fact theres a good chance he was back home in bed! :wink:

Unbelievable, poor blokes crashed and some scrote has still slashed his curtains to see if theres owt worth nicking!!! :smiley: :smiley:

is that what you call a “well boss” moment? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Unbelievable, poor blokes crashed and some scrote has still slashed his curtains to see if theres owt worth nicking!!! :smiley: :smiley:


a went passed this aproximetly 10 mins after it happened before the police arrived.

id love to know what caused it one thing i did notice was that the offside curtain on the truck was ripped open so could another lage veihcle have been involved

there are many reasons these accidents happen id like to find out what wnet wrong before i say anyomore


how did you take both pics, one going up and one coming down. did you do a flip to rubberneck twice :smiley:

trust me,if you knew the job this man has,youd understand why hes been to a drop,tipped n on his way home again!b4 truck recovered,in fact theres a good chance he was back home in bed! :wink:

On long haul work tonight, Wrexham to Leeds but then all the way back again to Wrexham in the same shift :open_mouth:
these kind of runs should be double manned we could be home by 22.30 then,
ill still be home by then, i just thought it`d be nice to have some one to talk too :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ill pick you up on the way through whooshwhoosh if you like and take you out in my big Actros

Yeah, i saw Steady Eddie in the field, M6 north bound just south of Charnock Richard Services about 7.15pm Friday 18 April.

HATO had just done a rolling block infront of us, i think this was to give 2 of the wreckers chance to turn round so they could use the rear mounted winches.

Isn’t that one of the Euro drags?


There aren`t any european drag motors now ken.
1 or two will go across perhaps once or twice a year on a rush job with cans but its not usual.

enough trucks on that job? :laughing:

thats not so bad.
Heard that at tesco welham Green fellt a Driver during approach asleep and hit Lamp outside Security Gate

Ill pick you up on the way through whooshwhoosh if you like and take you out in my big Actros[/quote]

:open_mouth: er,ill pass on that thanks,chubby welshman tryin to entice younger better lookin englishman into his wagon… :open_mouth: plus i kno how u drive :wink: