Stiller importing drivers from romania … ts-8452414

“driver shortage” etc, yadda yadda yadda :unamused: … =2&theater

If i used stillers to deliver my stuff ,after reading that bollox im afraid to say id blow them out and find somebody else :smiling_imp:

Which basically translates to “We can get Romanians to work for loads less and work the [zb] out of them as well, so [zb] the British drivers, kind regards Stillers Transport”

If this Romanian is on the same money as his british co workers Id eat my hat.

I would bet that the Romanians are on the same money but to them it will be a fortune.
They have come here for one reason and that’s to work so they will work till they drop and not moan about it.
It’s a sad state of british transport.

More like they are offering £7.50ph or a terrible salary and thats why they cant get drivers.

yorkshire terrier:
It’s a sad state of british transport.


there’s only 1 romanian

Instead of just bellyaching about it, get down the polling station in May and vote UKIP.


“driver shortage” etc, yadda yadda yadda :unamused:

Just read it one!!driver recruited from Romania,get a job with the media why don’t you,they do sensationalism,crack on.

Pay peanuts get monkeys, lol.

“We recently recruited a driver from Romania through an agency and it has worked really well.”

Sounds like it was an agency driver they had in there and gave him a permanent job.

Harry Monk:
Instead of just bellyaching about it, get down the polling station in May and vote UKIP.


Sounds like it was an agency driver they had in there and gave him a permanent job.

Perhaps. But it could also be the same setup that the company my dad works for has. They’ve employed the services of a company to directly source half a dozen or so drivers from Bulgaria. You could call that company an “agency” but its not the same as a British based driver recruitment agency that employs local drivers for local firms etc. These Bulgarian drivers are on the same wage, but as has being said above, that’s because the wage is already crap and they find it difficult to find and retain British drivers and they’d rather import Bulgarians and keep the wage the same, as opposed to increasing the wage to attract and retain locals.


Sounds like it was an agency driver they had in there and gave him a permanent job.

Perhaps. But it could also be the same setup that the company my dad works for has. They’ve employed the services of a company to directly source half a dozen or so drivers from Bulgaria. You could call that company an “agency” but its not the same as a British based driver recruitment agency that employs local drivers for local firms etc. These Bulgarian drivers are on the same wage, but as has being said above, that’s because the wage is already crap and they find it difficult to find and retain British drivers and they’d rather import Bulgarians and keep the wage the same, as opposed to increasing the wage to attract and retain locals.

It could be that type of agency but given they say they are short of drivers I would have thought they would have ended up with more than one driver.


Sounds like it was an agency driver they had in there and gave him a permanent job.

Perhaps. But it could also be the same setup that the company my dad works for has. They’ve employed the services of a company to directly source half a dozen or so drivers from Bulgaria. You could call that company an “agency” but its not the same as a British based driver recruitment agency that employs local drivers for local firms etc. These Bulgarian drivers are on the same wage, but as has being said above, that’s because the wage is already crap and they find it difficult to find and retain British drivers and they’d rather import Bulgarians and keep the wage the same, as opposed to increasing the wage to attract and retain locals.

Its wrong,a fella in a turners tanker flagged me down last week to show me his next address what had been text on his mobile ,he didnt speak a word of english :open_mouth:

The thing is ,do these muppets who are in charge not realise that folks arnt daft ,so the minute they click on there is better money somewhere else they will be off…and pointing out that ‘so and so transport’ ltd pay is crap.So they still will be looking for drivers

The company has found it difficult to recruit drivers, so they’re trying various solutions, such as in house training, recruiting ex forces, and 1 Romanian.

But what’s the headline?

County Durham distribution firm imports drivers from Europe.

yorkshire terrier:
I would bet that the Romanians are on the same money but to them it will be a fortune.
They have come here for one reason and that’s to work so they will work till they drop and not moan about it.
It’s a sad state of british transport.

That’s bang on. The lazy British are at fault. If ppl worked there wouldn’t be any jobs.