Steve Wright Radio 2

Bring back Mr Angry on the Steve Wright show, that was pure comic genius, he was so angry he would throw the phone down, the Elvis guy is very funny.

Get Johnny Walker out of semi retirement,he played better stuff than the rest of them.

steve wright should be put out of his misery and replaced with chris moyles

that would start me listening to radio 2 again mind you I couldn’t stand Steve Wright back when he was on radio 1 anyway just never found him funny

bring back mark and lard to replace steve [zb] sorry wright :laughing:


Can listen to Ken Bruce and Simon Mayo everything else is crap.


Barry from Watford and Old Woman; Utter tosh. Mark and Lard did stupid characters 10 years ago, but theirs’ were funny.

And Steve Wright was doing it with the Posse in the early 80’s. And they were properly funny.

But you’re right, they’re crap now.

steve wrights show format has not changed since radio 1 was on 1053 and 1089 mw

Ken Bruce is ok. Simon Mayo is good - subtley sarcastic and very humourous at times :smiley: Graham Norton on a Saturday morn can be hilarious, especially the ‘Real Graham’ bit :smiley: The best, though, is Dermot O’Leary on Saturday afternoons - cracking music from mostly unknowns…

Felz should be dropped from a great height, straight onto Vine the Whine and Wrighty - get rid of all three in one go :open_mouth: :smiley:

Piston broke:
Ken Bruce is ok. Simon Mayo is good - subtley sarcastic and very humourous at times :smiley: Graham Norton on a Saturday morn can be hilarious, especially the ‘Real Graham’ bit :smiley: The best, though, is Dermot O’Leary on Saturday afternoons - cracking music from mostly unknowns…

Felz should be dropped from a great height, straight onto Vine the Whine and Wrighty - get rid of all three in one go :open_mouth: :smiley:

That would be one hell of a mess Paul, when that fat arsed wind bag hit the ground. :open_mouth: but it would do the job well. :laughing: :laughing:

Hi John :smiley:

Yeah, it would be a good day IF it happened… I much prefer decent music and decent conversation instead of the sycophantic, patronising drivel that those three emit… :smiley: They all make my teeth itch… :imp: :smiley:

‘…Steve Wright … is a ■■■…’


Not least for the catch-phrase ‘…Dear Steve - love the show…’

Who are these plinths :question:

His cosy (ie., obese & brain-dead?) bigging-up of dross evening telly also makes my ■■■■ pout: It’s why I work PM’s ffs

Happy Keith:

‘…Steve Wright … is a ■■■…’


Not least for the catch-phrase ‘…Dear Steve - love the show…’

Who are these plinths :question:

His cosy (ie., obese & brain-dead?) bigging-up of dross evening telly also makes my ■■■■ pout: It’s why I work PM’s ffs

Plinths :laughing: Does anyone else not find Wrighty’s voice really annoying. And has anyone ever noticed that dj’s are always a lot more uglier than you imagine them to be :stuck_out_tongue:


Happy Keith:

‘…Steve Wright … is a ■■■…’


Not least for the catch-phrase ‘…Dear Steve - love the show…’

Who are these plinths :question:

His cosy (ie., obese & brain-dead?) bigging-up of dross evening telly also makes my ■■■■ pout: It’s why I work PM’s ffs

Plinths :laughing: Does anyone else not find Wrighty’s voice really annoying. And has anyone ever noticed that dj’s are always a lot more uglier than you imagine them to be :stuck_out_tongue:

That voice is the ’ Three pints of lager ’ voice ,v.popular in the sixties & is still fashionable by the likes of Noel Edmonds & co.