Stepframe trailer

Hi, not sure if it’s ok to post this here, so apologies in advance… Does anyone have a stepframe trailer for sale, 45 foot ish preferred , thank you.

Just be aware when you do purchase that last week someone I know bought one from a dealer who had had his computer hacked in to ,the hackers changed the dealers bacs details on his invoices and the firm who purchased the trailer now have to pay again or give back the trailer .

Scumbags, can’t beat good old fashioned cash or bankers draught…

Punchy Dan:
Just be aware when you do purchase that last week someone I know bought one from a dealer who had had his computer hacked in to ,the hackers changed the dealers bacs details on his invoices and the firm who purchased the trailer now have to pay again or give back the trailer .

Sounds harsh but surely this is the dealers problem and not the purchaser as they paid the invoice they were given?

That’s what I thought too but the police / fraud folk have been and that’s what they said ,thing is the buyer even queried the numbers before paying and the dealer said its what ever is on the invoice .

Really strange one that. ■■■■ news all round for everyone involved but I bet the dealer is thanking their lucky stars!