Well, thats it…minimum 3 to 4 months off work due to a cataract, cant see to required standard in my right eye, so DVLA now suspended HGV licence till get the all clear after the operation, theres a 3 month waiting list locally so Ive got to get used to Jeremy Kyle and This Morning…lol
Not looking forward to the fights in the Benefit office
Might just get a bottle of White Lightning in a brown bag and sit on the bus station with the other doleys
Sorry to hear that mate bad times, can you not get glasses until the op and a letter from optician to say corrective lenses have improved your bad eye?.
Sorry to hear that mate bad times, can you not get glasses until the op and a letter from optician to say corrective lenses have improved your bad eye?.
Already wear glasses mate, tbh its not worth the risk, if I had an accident Id be well and truly knackered, plus being notifiable theres a £1000 fine for not telling.
I wouldnt like owt on my conscience if the worst would be to happen.
At least the garden will get done now, and the wifes already starting to pick out paint colours.
At least the garden will get done now, and the wifes already starting to pick out paint colours.
Ha ha, I was thinking that when you said about sitting on the bus station.
There’ll be washing n ironing to do, garden to weed/tidy/improve, bit of decorating.
Then there’s the car to valet and the garage to tidy. Neighbours/friends/family will need a lift with a few jobs and so it goes on. You’ll soon wonder how you ever had time to go to work.
Chance to a have a leisurely breakfast not at silly o’clock and read the paper.
By coincidence had my eyes tested yesterday. I go every year for free eye test as Mum had Glaucoma. I was pleased to be told no change at all from last year. (I wear specs for driving).
Well, thats it…minimum 3 to 4 months off work due to a cataract, cant see to required standard in my right eye, so DVLA now suspended HGV licence till get the all clear after the operation, theres a 3 month waiting list locally so Ive got to get used to Jeremy Kyle and This Morning…lol
Not looking forward to the fights in the Benefit office
Might just get a bottle of White Lightning in a brown bag and sit on the bus station with the other doleys
I’ve just started back after 6 month off with retinal tears in both eyes and a detached retina of my right eye and I hated being off so I know what it’s like mate. Plus I was only on SSP so I went from a good living wage to next to ■■■■ all for 6 month and it was a struggle Hope everything goes ok for you and you get back on the road.
Thought my eyes were bad, with that thing where even if you have long sight (or short sight) you can see distance or close up, it’s worse for me at night, can see sod all without glasses…
Lmao at that…in my case it’ll probably take 12 months !
If you are going to claim benefits let us no how you get on, not the amount but how easy it is and how you are treated.
Will do mac…already got most of forms as the wife is in process of claiming disability, this just added to the straws on the camels back. mostly its form filling and geting the info together, luckily its a rented house so should get help with that, like Barnsleytrucker said you go from a decent wage to virtually nothing, hell of a shock to system.
Stuff the dole, apply for ESA (employment support allowance) all you need is a long sicknote of you doctor and follow the instructions on the back!
its the same money (if not more than the dole) and you dont have to go to the job centre every fortnight to sign on
SSP is virtually same as ESA mate… cant claim dole anyway because i’m still employed, besides Id rather take my chances doing bits of eBay and Shipley before i go to dole office
If you are going to claim benefits let us no how you get on, not the amount but how easy it is and how you are treated.
He’ll be treated like ■■■■ as he’s been working and paying his tax and National Insurance If however he was an alcoholic, druggie or one of our friends from over the water, he would be welcomed with open arms and benefits galore offered to him!
That’s why I would like to no, after my earlier post about couple on £26000
Doubt I’ll get anywhere near that amount mac, as long as the rent get paid and weve got food in the cupboard the rest can wait,
I’ll let you know how i get on with benefits. Will be going down there later once the forms are filled in, some go to local council and some to different government offices around the country.
What i dont understand though is this government keep going on about cutting costs, but i have to ring Northern Ireland to speak to some one (the 0845 number converts to a 028 code) the letter then comes from an office in Leicester i think, but i have to send it back to Blackpool !! thats 3 different offices for 1 form !
Might be worth checking the cost to have it done private, could be a lot less than 3 months loss of earnings and be back to work in a week!
around about the £3000 mark Martin, unfortunately too much for me to scrape together, plus theres still a months convalescence after the op before you get the all clear.
Might be worth checking the cost to have it done private, could be a lot less than 3 months loss of earnings and be back to work in a week!
around about the £3000 mark Martin, unfortunately too much for me to scrape together, plus theres still a months convalescence after the op before you get the all clear.
Optical Express website quotes from £1295 for one eye and back to driving after 2 to 3 days. (But I guess that’s for car drivers and being partially sighted is ok ) My sister had both eyes done with the NHS in Bradford and was driving again after a week, also her need for specs like bottle bottoms had changed to just distance specs.
Thats not too bad Martin, still cant really afford £1295 though if im honest, you are right about car driving though, i can still drive my car just not HGV .
As long as my vision is up to standard in BOTH eyes after the op I can get entitlement back.
Ironic thing is theres another driver at our place with only one eye (after accident) but because he lost it before the rules changed he can still drive. Ive actually got better vision than him but rules iz rules.
Thanks shytalk apreciate the sentiment, every little helps…lol
Well, thats it…minimum 3 to 4 months off work due to a cataract, cant see to required standard in my right eye, so DVLA now suspended HGV licence till get the all clear after the operation, theres a 3 month waiting list locally so Ive got to get used to Jeremy Kyle and This Morning…lol
Not looking forward to the fights in the Benefit office
Might just get a bottle of White Lightning in a brown bag and sit on the bus station with the other doleys
Can’t you get another job doing something else,non driving, to save scrounging off us tax payers?
Or aren’t you allowed to work full stop?