Stationary sickness

right. i may be just being odd. or i have a stomach bug or something. but ive done more driving this week than i normally do by a long way. (lancashire to Turriff and bac on top of 3 othe 7+driving hours) and ive noticed that while im not moving it feels similar to motion sickness. but as soon as i start moving again i feel fine.

does anyone get anything similar?

reminds me of that waterworld film from the 80’s 90s with kevin costner and they go on about land sickness cos it dont move right.


Have you licked any post-it pads?

It might be worth you going for an eye test.

It’s the same after I’ve spent a week on my boat, solid ground just seems to move around a bit.

Could even be a problem with your ears, motion sickness or sea sickness is down to imbalance.

I’m no expert but as mentioned it could be an ear issue. Or it may just be an unusual length of time that has triggered your brain into a mode where it thinks ‘OK this is how we roll now’ so when stationary your brain is still applying a motion state as normality.

Bit like a phase where after a long session on a video game you close your eyes and can still see the game.

Course I could be talking bollox but the Brain adapts, and after a few hours rest all should be fine again, if not see a doctor.

Run Forrest, run.

Do as I do; drive, run, shag, sleep, repeat.

…if you don’t like running and shagging, try to focus on the fact that you’re hurtling through the vacuum of space at around 67,000 miles an hour.

try to focus on the fact that you’re hurtling through the vacuum of space at around 67,000 miles an hour.

Or 67,003mph if going by the sat nav speed guage

had mybeyes checked for my medical not long ago. 20/20 vision. could be my ears i suppose theyre knackered after far too much loud music.

it does seem to be a thing though. thats good to know. cheers everyone

Used to get it when I worked on the boats, always found it was worse when in the shower. If it last more than an hour on a regular basis I’d go see the doc, could be something to do with ears or balance. Or bad aids.

I have something similar in that I struggle to sleep at home without a fridge running 4 feet from my ear and taking a widdle is a struggle without a super single.


You know what to do then don’t you… Sleep on the kitchen floor next to the fridge & keep a spare wheel next to the toilet

Used to get it when I worked on the boats, always found it was worse when in the shower. If it last more than an hour on a regular basis I’d go see the doc, could be something to do with ears or balance. Or bad aids.

I have something similar in that I struggle to sleep at home without a fridge running 4 feet from my ear and taking a widdle is a struggle without a super single.


Really hope that the chap hasn’t got bad AIDS.

We’ve a mini bus for if we need to collect units from Volvo or other sites, if I sit in the front seats or the seats behind the driver I’m fine but if I sit in the back row I feel slightly nauseous and claustrophobic. I have to concentrate really hard to control my anxiety.
Bizarre really so I sympathise entirely. It does sound as though it can be sorted medically though, mine can’t. I’m just being a wuss.