State pension calculator

Well I can’t retire until I’m 67…
The government really know how to fiddle you.

They are aware that statistically that you will either not make it to that age.

Or you will be so unwell that your life expectancy will not give you a good quality of life

Just listening to advice about if you don’t have enough pension built up, and the above was to defer your state pension.

Defer beyond the age of 67…

Without the need of a nursing home in our later years do you expect to have your full faculties to walk, ride a bike, or even work.

Life expectancy tables all have different opinions but they all average that males will live to 78, years.

In reality do you see more people of this age at home or are they in a nursing home or hospital with a serious illness.
I personally see the latter.

Are we being fooled to chase the dream or is it you work till you die.

All pensions,wether private or state,are a rip off based on the idea of taking more money in the form of contributions than will ever be paid out.Which translates as a form of taxation in the case of the state pension and profits for the pension providers in the case of private.By that logic it is in their interests to exaggerate life expectancy figures.Added to which pensions act as a false sense of security,which lowers wage expectations in real terms,assuming the full costs of a reasonable retirement age were passed on in the form of wage claims.So a win win situation from the point of view of the establishment. :bulb:

Mine is at age 66 but I suspect the final intention is to raise it to age 70

The LGV medical will remain yearly after age 65 which means the Govt is saying that a LGV should be able to drive until age 70 but may not be medically fit to do so … hmmmm …

Mine is at age 66 but I suspect the final intention is to raise it to age 70

The LGV medical will remain yearly after age 65 which means the Govt is saying that a LGV should be able to drive until age 70 but may not be medically fit to do so … hmmmm …

More like they couldn’t care less about a driver’s working life expectancy.The idea is to shift existing pension entitlement conditions to JSA entitlement conditions so that existing pensions contributions can then be nicked one way or another to increase falling tax levels or add to pension providers profits.

Whereas had the unions been strong enough to defeat Callaghan and Thatcher by now we’d probably have been in the situation whereby the workers dictate retirement income provision to the establishment,by passing it on into the economy in the form of wage claims while we are/were working.Where it could be used to clear mortgages faster and the remaining cash then invested to choice.

Rather than vice versa in which we’ve got the employers and public and private pensions regimes dictating income levels and pensions payouts relative to contributions.Which no surprise will always be in the favour of the rip off ideas of the establishment.

Do some of us assume that this was going to be fair and honest? Work yor a*se off for 50+ years and get what they promised you? Oooooh dear1 You’ll be the ones slagging off the Unions I suppose!

The age at when you stop working and receive your full pension should have been done on a tiered system. If your sitting on your arse all day and not doing strenuous work great retiring at 67,70 or even 75 is not a problem. BUT for us manual grafters who throughout their working lives have done nothing but shift heavy loads, been out in the cold weather for X amount of years should be seeing our full pensions no later than 60 years of age! I’m 48 and it takes ten minutes to get my bones out of bed with all the aches and pains and I’m expected to carry on until 67■■ Somehow I don’t see that happening. :neutral_face:

I will get my pension in august this year and will get the grand total of £113.10p. rich at last. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: